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Random musings on Ramadan day 30
The Social Contract - Summer 2016 issue: Islam in America
Has America Become Too Big to Solve Our Problems?
When Democracy Dies in the Darkness
Syrian refugees and national security
The Winter, 2018 Social Contract Journal is online - The Earned Income Tax Credit Scam
Elites, open borders, and Trump's populist campaign
Hating Your Own Country: Teaching U.S. Kids to Loathe America
Is it too late for Sweden?
Conquest via demographics and overpopulation
Refugee resettlement racket
What's the big deal with the global culture war?
The Californication of immigration language
Immigration and the Failure of Democracy
The Growing American Nightmare: Loss of Culture and Way of Life
What If There Were No Muslims In America?
Why there is no revolution in Sweden: the nation with no voice
Speak up about all this craziness!
Pamela Geller 9/11 Lakewood event - Wow!
How Much More Damage To America Can Joe Biden Do? Much More!
Educational Equity, Racist Mathematics, and Lowest Common Denominator
Whatever Happened to Assimilation?
Weaponized Migration
When White America Becomes The New Minority
The Diversity Delusion: Destroying America’s Heritage With Endless Immigration
Fundamentally Changing America
Our House Divided: Multiculturalism vs. America
New videos on immigration and related issues
Upside down protests Down Under
Did Islam Have Anything to Do With It?
Is Diversity Our Strength?
Does demographic displacement advance White genocide in Canada? In the US?
Second generation offers fertile jihad breeding grounds
The consequences of non-assimilation
Canada's trajectory toward leftist totalitarianism
Social Contract Writers Workshop videos are online
Understanding Our Enemy
Have you read The Camp of the Saints?
Statue of Liberty Declares: STOP IMMIGRATION!
Turning America Into Everybody Else’s Country: Cultural Suicide
War On Western Culture
The Enemy Within
It's impossible to vet the minds of 110,000 Syrian Muslims
White Guilt and the Demise of Western Civilation
Give Me Your Poor, Illiterate, Criminals, Drug Cartels: Anti-Western Masses Yearning to Change America
Is Assimilation Even Possible Anymore?
Why Are Western Countries Committing National Suicide?
Legalizing illegality: Americans too stupid to realize their fate
Refugee 101 in a 7 minute video
The Strange Death of Europe - Daily Rapes and Murders by Refugees
Are there no limits? The Summer 2018 Social Contract issue is out
Go Mexican Broncos!
Immigration and race
Where's The Magic Soil?
Violent Iconoclasm
Mr. Biden: Why Do We Owe Anything to Afghanistan - We Just Spent $6 Trillion On Them!
The Perfect Storm Descending Upon America part 1: Immigration onslaught
A brief history of US immigration policy and laws
Videos of the 2018 Social Contract Writers' Workshop are available online
Are Jews to blame For America's Unending Mass Immigration?
Video: Behind the Democrat Push for Open Borders
Demography and Destiny
Will America Survive Multiculturalism and Diversity?
'Moderate Islam' is a Western Lie
Islam’s Onslaught on America: To Seed Host Countries To Gain Numbers (Hijra)
How Many is Too Many? The Challenge of Latino Immigrants
The Perfect Storm Descending Upon America part 2: Sociological Impact
Book: Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism
Conservative Americans may be the last people who still believe in the American nation-state
Rip Van Winkle went to sleep a socialist and woke up a fascist
Mass immigration won't solve our problems
We Wanted Workers - Instead We Got People
Why Is Congress Importing A Permanent Underclass?
Video: Blitz Author and 'Take No Prisoners' Founder Exposes 'Systemic Racism' as a Myth
Why has Faith Goldy been placed in social media jail?
Most Destructive Force in 21st Century America: Endless Legal Immigration
America Colonized by the World's Refugees
A truthful evening on the Koran
Importing Barbarians Into America: Animal Sacrifices In Hamtramckistan, Michiganistan
The Strange Death of Europe and the Strange Decay of America
The migration free ride is nearly over
Witnessing the rapid balkanization of America
Mass immigration drives nation-destroying diversity
Australia's diversity dogma
The Magical Migrant
America’s (Likely) Violent-Fractured Future
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