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Elites ignore Africa's overpopulation problem
Counter the Creeping Islamization of America
The Refugee Mess: What Are We Creating In America?
NATO, Globalism, Russia, and Ukraine
Warning to America
Facing America’s Population Challenge – John Stuart Mill
Sierra Club is Hostile to America
Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - United States
Australia's diversity dogma
New Social Contract journal asks What should America's immigration policy be?
America needs to curb immigration flows
The Great Discontinuity
The 1965 Immigration Act after 50 years - Fall 2015 Social Contract issue
Video: The International Financing of Engineered Migration
Mass immigration won't solve our problems
So-called 'free trade' and the TPP are anything but free
Knowledge is Power: A Series on Refugee Resettlement
Gestating Jihad in America
Snopes is for Dopes
Climate refugees or overpopulation escapees?
Will America Survive Multiculturalism and Diversity?
International Migration as an Obstacle to Achieving World Stability
Amnesty to include a 50 percent increase of legal immigrants if S744 passes
Living Within Limits - The Enduring Relevance of Garrett Hardin
Huddled Cliches - well worth reading
Trump's words on illegal immigration ring true
Some perspective on the Chinese bat soup virus
Crazy SPLC smears black woman as white nationalist
Why did the environmental movement retreat from the immigration - population - environment connection?
GeoDestinies, 2022
Video: Sweden has died. Do not allow your country to be next
Pro-Growth Demographic Dogma
We Wanted Workers - Instead We Got People
A new era for immigration enforcement
Islamism Is The Embodiment Of Colonialism
Common Sense in America: We Can't Keep Up With Growth!
Why would George Soros want to undermine Western nation-states?
The collapse of assimilation theory
Finding the Trimtab
A Tribute to Dr. John Tanton
Will media ever explain the meaning of 'anti-immigration'?
Video: Two Centuries of U.S. Immigration
Dissection of an immigration propaganda piece
An immediate shutdown of all immigration into America
Democrats want to replace YOU and unmake America
Immigration Overages Hurt All In an Era Defined by Shortages
Immigrant Vetting is "as American as Apple Pie"
Time Tracking of Immigration Responses to the China Virus Crisis
When White America Becomes The New Minority
Does demographic displacement advance White genocide in Canada? In the US?
Forced Replacement Migration
A Splendid, Brave, and Necessary book
Are there no limits? The Summer 2018 Social Contract issue is out
New Latino - Hispanic majority by 2042 - US population explodes
Refugee resettlement racket
The world's most important map
America: Escape Valve for Third World Refugees
VIdeo: The End Game - Why the West is Lost
The Road Not Taken
Social Contract Writers Workshop videos are online
What is Trump doing, what is he not doing, and why?
Democrat Teddy Kennedy: Father Of America's Downfall
John Tanton - a video tribute
John F. Kennedy and Immigration Reform
A Distinct Parallel
A nation of Americans - video perspective
The H-1B Big Lie
Demography and Destiny
Videos of the 2018 Social Contract Writers' Workshop are available online
New videos on immigration and related issues
IMAGE certification program
Overpopulation is biggest environmental threat to U.S., so address immigration
While the U.S yawns to World Population Day, you indeed can stop progress
How America's source of immigrants changed over a century
Mass immigration drives nation-destroying diversity
Conservatism, Inc's jihad against American conservatives
African Cardinal Slams Mass Migration: The West Will Disappear If It Continues In This Fatal Way
What's Happening To Our Country? These Crazy, Insane 2020s
The singular century of abundant energy
Immigration and the Failure of Democracy
Rip Van Winkle went to sleep a socialist and woke up a fascist
An Open Letter to George Soros on Migration
Our Vast Social Experiment
The Unmitigated Gall, Incompetence and Corruption of Joe Biden
CNN Commentator Don Lemon’s Racist Charges Divide America
What America will look like in 2050 part 1 - a human flood
Deportation and immigration law enforcement
Tired, Poor and Yearning to Work and Be Free
Billionaires for Open Borders
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