The 1965 Immigration Act after 50 years - Fall 2015 Social Contract issue
By Fred Elbel on 23 September 2015
The Fall 2015 Social Contract Journal focuses on the disastrous consequences of the 1965 Immigration Act. The issue is titled "The Unmaking of America? The 1965 Immigration Act after 50 years". Here are direct links to the articles:
- Editor's Note: The 1965 Immigration Act - Intent and Consequences 50 Years On
- The 1965 Immigration Act - Its Intent, Its Consequences
- America's Demographic Tipping Point
- Reflecting on the Immigration Act of 1965 - 50th anniversary of the landmark transformation of the United States
- A Vast Social Experiment - The Immigration Act of 1965
- LBJ on Immigration - Remarks of President Lyndon B. Johnson at the signing of the Immigration Bill, Liberty Island, New York, October 3, 1965
- So Much for Promises... Selected quotes from congressional sponsors of the 1965 Immigration Act
- The Economic Impact of the 1965 Immigration Act
- Let's Consider a Half-Century of Lies - The 1965 Immigration Act in perspective
- Rising Public Support Emboldens Immigration-Control Candidates
- 'Maritime Ping Pong' in the Bay of Bengal
- 'Alien' Too Accurate? Maybe the entire California legal code will be soon re-written in Emojis
- Straight Talk on Immigration
- Dangerous Times - Federal immigration policy and resettling the Hijra to America
- Immigration Wars - Jeb Bush, Clint Bolick, and the Elitist Libertarian Opposition to Sane Immigration Policy