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More Census Bureau Propaganda
26 December 2014
Why immigration amnesty isn’t the answer to Republicans’ demographic woes
27 April 2014
Hispanics Extend Reach Beyond Enclaves
19 March 2013
Census: Whites no longer a majority in US by 2043
12 December 2012
A bit of history on illegal aliens and census counts - with a leftist spin
30 second video: how chain migration adds a quarter million people per year
A brief history of US immigration policy and laws
Video: Illegal Immigration: it's About Democrat Party Power
Race Realism
Immigration and the Failure of Democracy
The World Population Pyramid, Growth Rate, and Population Growth (1950-2100)
European Survival and the World's Most Important Graph
We're Being Invaded At The Hands Of Our Own President
Overpopulation is biggest environmental threat to U.S., so address immigration
Sanctuary Nation - The Fraying of America
Syrian refugees and national security
The African behemoth
Why Is Congress Importing A Permanent Underclass?
How many humans can the Earth support? - 7.5 billion and counting
Does demographic displacement advance White genocide in Canada? In the US?
Have you read The Camp of the Saints?
Immigration Overages Hurt All In an Era Defined by Shortages
What's Happening To Our Country? These Crazy, Insane 2020s
Busting Growth
Islam - learn more about political Islam, creeping sharia and Islamic conquest
The Fall 2019 Social Contract final issue is online
Weaponized Immigration: Asymmetrical Warfare Against America
Is Diversity Our Strength?
The Vatican's role in the destruction of American political will to deal with overpopulation
Have you seen the population pyramids?
Visualization of Future Population Growth
Libraries and Spanish language materials at taxpayer expense
War On Western Culture
Conquest via demographics and overpopulation
Immigration is Biden Regime’s Achilles heel
How Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization (SUSPS) Advised Congress in 2001 - An historical perspective followed by the official testimony
How immigration policy sabotaged the Earth Day dream - Sierra Club remains silent
Exponential Growth: What It Means To Your Future in America
Colorado Alert: SB 213 Residential Land Use
A nation of Americans - video perspective
Mass immigration won't solve our problems
Flash! Ivy League Study: Illegal Population is 22 Million, Double Establishment Estimate
Population Pyramids - vizualize population data with interactive charts and graphs
CNN Commentator Don Lemon’s Racist Charges Divide America
Why there is no revolution in Sweden: the nation with no voice
Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - Colorado
A Few Post-Election Thoughts: Our Tumultuous Future
The United States Population and Immigration - Testimony to the 107th Congress of the United States, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, August 2, 2001
What Will We Do When We Can’t Solve Our Problems?
Islam’s Onslaught on America: To Seed Host Countries To Gain Numbers (Hijra)
Nitrogen and the people of Sri Lanka
Refugee resettlement racket
Is America Too Crowded?
Common Sense in America: We Can't Keep Up With Growth!
The Planet's Population Explosion, and What to Do About It
Visualizing Changing World Population
We Wanted Workers - Instead We Got People
The Growing American Nightmare: Loss of Culture and Way of Life
Stop All Diversity and Chain-Immigration Now!
The Great Replacement Is an Electoral Strategy
The Great Replacement is Underway
Will America Survive Multiculturalism and Diversity?
What Western Countries Face with Refugee Armada
The Laughable Loony Left Looses It - The Marxists' Missive About Mollusks
Book review: Who We Are and How We Got Here
Importing Barbarians Into America: Animal Sacrifices In Hamtramckistan, Michiganistan
The Great Discontinuity
Muslim Massacre in New Zealand: Predictable and More to Come
Video highlights archive
Video: Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, and Civilization
America's Eventual Suicide: Biden's Legacy to Future Generations
Greatest Threat to Endangered Species Is Not Donald Trump’s New Rules
10 Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America
America is morphing Into a lawless country
Understanding Exponential Growth - Interactive Tutorial
Overshoot And The Population Conundrum
Population stabilization: an integral component of Earth Day
Human Overpopulation Atlas
Please submit EIS comments on immigration and population by August 20!
YouTube censors diversity ... of thought
Joe Biden WAY Past the Threshold of Senility & Fragility
European Demographics and Migration
What's Our Non-American Demographic Going To Look Like In 30 Years?
Population Driven to Double by Mass Immigration
A Smaller Population Is Better
Is it too late for Sweden?
Climate refugees or overpopulation escapees?
Unrestricted immigration - a radical ideology
China's Depopulation Dividend
The population conundrum
Pandemics and Population: Correlation To Further Disasters For America
Fall of American Empire
National IQ - the modern taboo
Democrat Teddy Kennedy: Father Of America's Downfall
Video: The International Financing of Engineered Migration
A Tribute to Al Bartlett (1923-2013)
Review of America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations
Overpopulation not solved
China, fearing India, abandons population stabilization
Are there no limits? The Summer 2018 Social Contract issue is out
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