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Illegal immigration robs the poorest Americans
13 April 2013
Sessions: Gang Of Eight Leaks Reveal Structural Flaws In Plan, Amnesty Precedes Enforcement
12 April 2013
ICE union chief: Immigration plan to 'doom' U.S.
12 April 2013
Law Enforcement Conference Call: Gang Of 8 Agreement Would Mean Legalization First, Enforcement Maybe Never
6 April 2013
New drone radar reveals Border Patrol 'gotaways' in high numbers
4 April 2013
Checking Amnesty Applications Would Cost $20 Billion
2 April 2013
Illegal Border Crossings Double, Border Becomes Less Secure as Beltway Gets Close to Deal on Immigration Reform
1 April 2013
First Things First On Immigration: Secure The Border
1 April 2013
Sessions: We Need an Immigration Policy That Helps Americans
1 April 2013
Video: Michelle Malkin on border security and illegal immigration
28 March 2013
Immigration lobbies spent $1.5 billion since 2007
26 March 2013
ICE union head on immigration reform: ‘Zero confidence any promises of future enforcement will be fulfilled’
25 March 2013
The suicide of the Republican Party
23 March 2013
Gang of Eight Push for More Immigration despite Bleak Employment
21 March 2013
Ann Coulter's Tremendous Speech At CPAC And The Decadence Of Conservatism, Inc.
18 March 2013
Steve King: Undocumented Immigrants Are 'Undocumented Democrats'
16 March 2013
Mike Coffman [R-CO, 6th] does a 180 on immigration
25 February 2013
Grassley: Lessons Learned from the 1986 amnesty under President Reagan
4 February 2013
Expert: Bipartisan immigration reform plan will cost trillions
31 January 2013
The Gang of 8 Proposal is Akin to Amnesty
29 January 2013
The Colorado Compact is an empty pinata
18 January 2013
Illegal-Alien Amnesty Gives Democrats 7 Million New Voters
11 December 2012
Legal Illegal Immigration
28 June 2012
Obama's move on immigration is an unconstitutional disaster for the unemployed
15 June 2012
Amnesty to include a 50 percent increase of legal immigrants if S744 passes
Call Congress to Stop the Year-End Amnesty Rush
Video: 2017 Chain Migration & 7 Amnesties TV Ad
The promise of amnesty
Top 10 reasons to oppose the Enlist Act (H.R. 2377)
Call your House Rep today - amnesty vote this week
President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement
Immigration reform should consider what is best for U.S.
New Social Contract issue explores executive amnesty and vanishing resources
The Patent Falsehood of a 'Minimum 13-Year' Path to Citizenship
Act now! 10 days to defund Obama royal amnesty
President Trump's DACA campaign promise
GOP immigration suicide
The liberal case for reducing immigration
Amnesty: It's the Work Permit, Stupid
Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Through Executive Action - Key Facts
Video: Biden regime Great Replacement impacts voting rights
Stop DACA Amnesty and All Chain Migration
The failed 2013 Gang of 8 amnesty for illegal aliens
House GOP leaders' principles are excellent, terrible and full of possibilities for either
Coolness Under Fire in the Amnesty War
House passes giant Build Back Worse amnesty for 6.5 million illegal aliens
In The Name of Common Sense, Who Would Vote for Kamala?
Texas illegal alien border crossings up 500% since Obama/McCain Amnesty Talk
Conservative leadership's Do Nothing defunding plan
Important! Call Congress today to stop Obama unilateral amnesty!
What the polls say... and why the politicians ignore their constituents
Obama's Royal Decree - Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
Why Amnesty would Destroy America - Immigration and Occam's Razor
American dream is only for foreigners
Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) - Illegal alien kiddie colonists invited by Democrat regimes
Urge your Senators to Oppose Budget Reconciliation Amnesty
Urgent Questions for Republicans
For the betterment of Black Americans
Amnesty for illegal aliens, legalization and comprehensive immigration reform
Obama the emperor issues royal amnistia for illegal aliens - and shreds the Constitution
How Democrats Sponsored Illegal Immigration
Udall's Immigration Pandering Propaganda
The dirt on DACA - a nightmare of a DREAM
Stop Amnesty (2004)
High resolution - Obama the emperor issues royal amnistia for illegal aliens - and shreds the Constitution
Amnesty threat level is high
Amnesty by executive fiat - Dreaming away the intent of Congress
Tell Bennet & Hickenlooper to oppose amnesty in budget
House passes bill against Obama amnesties - Coffman and Gardner sell out
Gang of Eight Bill a Disaster
A Dissection of Mike Coffman's Misguided Amnesty Missive
What Is to Be Done?
We're Being Invaded At The Hands Of Our Own President
The DACA - border wall deal - what's in it for America?
Why is the GOP leadership pushing amnesty for Democrats?
Prager U video and Charles Krauthammer miss the mark
Imprudent legalization through military service
Tell DEM Senate Leadership no mass amnesty
Cultural Marxism is alive and well in America
Is Immigration Enforcement Headed for the Boneyard?
Sierra Club sells out on immigration - again
Has America become an immigrant nation?
The Overton Window has shifted by precisely one sh*thole
Rich corporate media shills for Rubio amnesty
Spinning a poll - how would you deal with illegal aliens?
The actual and impractical forces behind the amnesty push
Contact Congress to oppose Biden regime's huge mass amnesty
Senate Democrats set up largest amnesty in history! Call Sens. Hickenlooper & Bennet TODAY!
Discrimination in Colorado
Why are you picking on Democrats - or Republicans for that matter?
Some New Year Surprises
Urgent - stop new amnesty bill H.R. 5038! Call Congress!
Timeline: How the Obama Administration Bypassed Congress to Dismantle Immigration Enforcement
Call Rep Perlmutter: amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through budget reconciliation
A Methodical Path To Destroy America: The Butcher's Bill of Illegal Immigration
As They Say .... Hillary Clinton touts executive action on immigration if elected
Swamping our state with amnesty - irreversible problems with unsolvable consequences
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