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The Colorado Compact is an empty pinata
Denver Post guest commentary

Every so often, Coloradans are treated to the spectacle of a self-selected group of elite “opinion leaders” getting together and deciding what is good for Colorado. Then other citizens step forward and remind them that Coloradans have elections and legislatures to set public policy, not “compacts.”

The Colorado...

Fear from Swift plant raid resonates in Greeley six years later
More than half a dozen cases-who opted to fight deportation are still dragging through the courts
Denver Post


Santos Gervacio Vicente-Vicente grows agitated and the words tumble out in increasingly rapid Spanish as he recalls the morning of Dec. 12, 2006.

"I still have fear," he says. "When I remember, it makes me very nervous. I was treated like an animal."

Vicente-Vicente is one of 273 workers...

Analysis: Colorado Dems Retreat from Illegal Immigration Crackdown They Authored
Colorado Observer

...As Democrats prepare to push for sweeping immigration reforms, the mainstream media has been quick to cite the statements of such beltway luminaries as indications that a Republican flip-flop on the issue is forthcoming...

Just a few short years ago in Colorado, Democrats too were leading the legislative charge...

Gessler: Voting System Still Vulnerable To Fraud

Colorado Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler defended his search for noncitizens on voter rolls Monday, telling lawmakers that the state’s voting system remains vulnerable to fraud.

The state’s election chief said his office spent about $8,000 to mail letters to 3,903 suspected noncitizens on voter rolls...

Over the line: Fighting corruption on our border
CBS News

John Ladd owns 14,000 wild acres in southern Arizona squared up against the Mexican border. It's land that's become extremely valuable for something besides ranching: For Mexico's illegal immigrants and drug cartels, it's a golden pathway into the U.S.

"The easy part of getting across here is you got three miles to...

The Colorado Compact: An empty piñata
Exclusive: Tom Tancredo rips immigration report that waves magic wand of 'fairness'
World Net Daily

...Stacked blue ribbon commissions as a form of political manipulation are not unique to our nation’s capital. We see them at the state level, too...

Of course, if you launch a blue ribbon commission, your starting point must be the principle that all “immigrants” must be treated equally, whether legal or illegal....

California 'maternity hotel' where Chinese women pay thousands to give birth and make their babies American citizens closes
Chino Hills house allegedly hosted dozens of pregnant women from China who flew in to give birth and get their children American citizenship
London Daily Mail

An alleged 'maternity hotel' in Southern California where pregnant women from China stayed so they could give birth there and make their babies American citizens in the process has been closed ...

So called 'maternity hotels' don't violate federal law - a woman is permitted to travel to the U.S. on a tourist visa...

Illegal immigrants in Colorado seize upon new visa waiver
Alejandro Esparza texted his wife a smiley face Wednesday
Denver Post

The occasion for the momentous digital grin was a small change in a convoluted immigration regulation. On paper, that change may seem like an insignificant reform, but for American families of certain illegal immigrants such as Esparza, it represents a new opportunity to obtain a green card without tearing loved ones apart...

ICE Cancels Enforcement Agreements with 32 Local Partners
- Colorado State Patrol among them
The Center for Immigration Studies

Last week, ICE quietly announced that it was terminating 32 local enforcement task force partnerships, known as 287(g) agreements, some of which have been operating successfully for as long as ten years. This follows the revocation earlier this year of seven other task force agreements in Arizona. ICE has offered no...

Waiting for some good news
Hispanics singled out- the only children in our school systems who can't deal with English-language immersion
The Post Independent


... For some reason, Hispanics have been singled out as the only children in our school systems who can't deal with English-language immersion lest it ruin their psyches, dishonor their ethnic roots, and needlessly challenge them.   In Illinois, children who would learn English as a second language are first...
Tom Tancredo offers his own Colorado Compact on Immigration Fairness

Does the GOP have a death wish?" That's what former congressman, former gubernatorial candidate and longtime rabble-rouser Tom Tancredo asks, in the wake of a number of Republicans signing off last week on the Colorado Compact on Immigration...

In response to the December 9 announcement of the Colorado Compact --...

CAIR-Michigan Assults the U.S. Constitution - the Cult of Multiculturalism

The December 13, 2012 article CAIR-Michigan Goes After the U.S. Constitution reports that:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has just put out an Action Alert that takes direct aim at the Constitution of the United States.

Now at this point, one might ask how Colorado...

Colorado River Seen as Depleting resource
Houston Chronicle

...rising demand and falling supply have water managers in the arid West considering a host of other options to deal with dire projections that the Colorado River - the main water supply for a region larger than the country of France - won't be able over the next 50 years to meet demands of a regional population now about...

California's Population Is Moving Out, Census Report Shows

About 100,000 more people moved away from California in 2011 than relocated to the Golden State, according to the latest report from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The trend can be explained, in part, in monetary terms. Even in an economic boom, the cost of living in California has increased, prompting people to move out,...

Census: Whites no longer a majority in US by 2043
Denver Post

...White people will no longer make up a majority of Americans by 2043....

The total U.S. population should climb to 420 million by 2060, with whites making up 43 percent. Hispanics, currently 17 percent of the population, will jump to 31 percent, or nearly 1 in 3 residents. Blacks will make up 14.7 percent, up...

Border Patrol: Cannon used to shoot drugs into US
Associated Press/9 News


U.S. Border Patrol agents say smugglers have come up with yet another creative way to get drugs in the country -- a cannon.   Authorities say 33 cans of marijuana were spotted Friday in a field near where the Colorado River crosses the U.S.-Mexico border.    The 85 pounds of marijuana found in the cans had...
Illegal-Alien Amnesty Gives Democrats 7 Million New Voters

...Since the election, some Republican-leaning pundits have maintained that Mitt Romney lost more than 70% of Hispanics, and thereby the presidency, because of his reputedly tough stance on illegal immigration.

Their "solution" is for Republicans to get behind "comprehensive immigration reform" — amnesty and a path...

Study shows immigration reporting law has high cost for Colorado
Denver Post

12/05 1:24 PM    – A six-year-old Colorado law that requires local law enforcement to report suspected illegal immigrants to federal authorities is costing local agencies in the state more than $13 million annually, according to a study released Wednesday. 

The Colorado Fiscal Institute's study tallies the cost of...
Arizona lawsuit challenges restrictions on driver's licenses
The suit targets an executive order by Gov. Jan Brewer denying the licenses to young immigrants who received work permits under a new Obama administration progr
LA Times

A contingent of civil and immigrant rights organizations launched a lawsuit Thursday against Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, challenging an executive order she issued that denies driver's licenses to some youths who recently received immigration relief and work permits under a new Obama administration program.


Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
Researchers say legals and illegals are more mobile than natives in America
The Washington Times

Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal [correctly termed illegal aliens], according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years.

The Center for...

Fed crackdown shows MS-13 gang is real threat, experts said
Los Angeles Times

The decision last week by federal authorities to classify the Mara Salvatrucha MS-13 gang as a “transnational criminal organization" has some experts hoping the move will put the gang on the run.

In Washington, both officials and experts said the designation shows that the federal government sees MS-13 as a real...

The JBS, ICE partnership is a good move
Greeley Tribune

JBS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials took a positive step last week when they agreed to work to work together to ensure the meatpacking giant’s U.S. workforce stays legal. The move comes more than half a decade after a raid on the meatpacking plant in north Greeley netted 262 suspected illegal workers. The...

Obama's refusal to deport illegal aliens unconstitutional, say law professors

Two law professors, including one who served in the Bush Justice Department, have published a paper charging that President Obama violated the Constitution with his directive to law enforcement not to deport illegal aliens.

In the paper entitled, “The Obama Administration, the Dream Act and the Take Care Clause,”...

Law Profs: Obama's Deferred Action Not Supported by Constitution
Center for Immigration Studies

A new paper by John Yoo (UC Berkeley School of Law) and Robert J. Delahunty (University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minnesota) raises many questions about President Obama's decision to grant legal status to nearly two million illegal aliens under deferred action and concludes that the president's act "threatens to vest the...

Border Patrol agent shot, killed on duty in Arizona

...Nicholas Ivie and a colleague were on patrol in the desert near Naco, about 100 miles from Tucson, when gunfire broke out shortly before 2 a.m. Tuesday, according to the Border Patrol.

Ivie, 30, was killed. The other agent, whose name hasn't been released, was hospitalized after being shot in the ankle and buttocks...

Vote Fraud Threatens This Year’s Elections
Center for Individual Freedom

If this election is a close one, it could well be stolen by what would otherwise be the losing side.

Those weren’t the exact words uttered in a program last Friday at the Heritage Foundation by co-authors of an important new book, but that’s one practical message an attentive listener would take away from the event...

Time to STEM The Visa Lottery?

Immigration is often portrayed as a complex issue. In reality, it really comes down to two simple questions:

1. How many immigrants should we allow into this country?

2. How should decide how to select those immigrants?

Currently, America accepts over one million permanent legal immigrants and nearly as...

Southern Poverty Law Center: Wellspring of Manufactured Hate
Capital Research Center

... Attorneys Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. founded the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in 1971. It bills itself as “a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry, and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.” People familiar with the SPLC may describe it differently...

In California, 'birth tourism' appears to grow
The Sacramento Bee

...Shih personifies an immigration trend that can be seen as the mirror opposite of those teens and young adults who came to this country illegally as children and are now trying to secure legal residency.

Eight months pregnant, Shih's mother legally entered the United States on a tourist visa in 1989. Two months...

New Poll Illustrates the Myth of the Monolithic Hispanic Vote

Fox News Latino reports, "Three months after President Barack Obama announced plans to suspend deportation for some undocumented immigrants, Latinos are giving him higher ratings for his handling of immigration . . . Independent Latinos - who are considered particularly crucial in this presidential election - were evenly...

Non-Citizen Voters Diluting the Rights and Privileges of Citizenship
Recommendations to Ensure the Integrity of Elections Outlined
Center for Immigration Studies

WASHINGTON, DC (September 18, 2012) – A new Center for Immigration Studies’ (CIS) Backgrounder examines efforts by state electoral officials to verify the accuracy of voter registration lists and the federal government to deny state access to information allowing ineligible non-citizen voters to be identified. The report...

Latest Ecological Footprint methodology paper accepted for publication in Ecological Indicators
Global Footprint Network

Every year, Global Footprint Network continues to improve the methodology for calculating the Ecological Footprint. The most recent Calculation Method paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Ecological Indicators: Integrating Sciences for Monitoring, Assessment and Management.

The paper documents the...

US halts Mexico flights for migrants

The U.S. government has halted flights home for Mexicans caught entering the country illegally in the deadly summer heat of Arizona's deserts, a money-saving move that follows a seven-year experiment that cost taxpayers nearly $100 million.

More than 125,000 passengers were flown deep into Mexico for free since 2004...

Democratic Party’s Celebration of Illegal Immigration Demonstrates Contempt for Our Laws, Charges FAIR
FAIR - Federation for American Immigration Reform

CAIRCO does not support any political party per se. However, we are obligated to expose the shenanigans of any party or candidate that espouses subverting the rule of law in America.

Press release from FAIR - Federation for American Immigration Reform (not affiliated with CAIRCO), September 4, 2012


Judge OKs 'show me your papers' portion of SB 1070
KTAR, Arizona

A federal judge has ruled that Arizona authorities can enforce the most contentious section of the state's immigration law, which critics have dubbed the "show me your papers'" provision.

"With this provision, Arizona makes a clear statement that it will not tolerate sanctuary city policies, and will now have...

Facts Dispel Myth that Obama Has Increased Deportations of Illegal Aliens

For several years, those following immigration policy have been perplexed by seemingly contradictory events. While President Obama has been dismantling most immigration enforcement and putting into place a massive amnesty for two million illegal aliens, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been claiming that...

Mexican drug cartels fight turf battles in Chicago
Californians for Population Stabilization

A disturbing news report aired on CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley on August 23, 2012 began:

(CBS News) CHICAGO – Gun violence is out of control in Chicago. Just last night, there were eight shootings, two of them deadly.

That pushes the total so far in 2012 to 351 shooting deaths — up 30 percent from last...

Drug Cartels Operating In The U.S. Follow The Trail Of Mexican Immigrants Into American Heartland
Huffington Post

Hidden on private property in Wilmington, North Carolina, Federal agents found a plot of 2,400 marijuana plants in June 2009... the site had a gasoline-powered generator and an irrigation system that brought in water from a nearby river...

As reported by CNN, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents staked out the...

Video: documentary blows the lid off illegal immigration
Fox News

They Come to America by Dennis Michael Lynch is a new documentary on the illegal alien invasion.

"The film focuses on the human and financial costs of illegal immigration. We filmed over the span of 14-months (Oct 2010 - Nov 2011) and journeyed through many states including but not limited to Arizona...

Gessler seeks citizenship proof from nearly 4,000
9 News (AP)

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler has mailed letters to nearly 4,000 registered voters asking them to verify they are naturalized citizens, or voluntarily withdraw their voter registrations.

...  the letters went to people who presented non-citizen documents like a green card when they applied for driver's...

Mexican Drug Cartel Used "Fast and Furious" Gun in Failed Assassination Plot
National Rifle Association of America - Institute for Legislative Action

... a U.S. government report has disclosed that Mexican drug cartel operatives used a firearm from the infamous scheme in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official.

An August 6, El Paso Times article gives further details:

The firearm was found Feb. 25, 2010, during an...

Boulder sheriff, immigration activists agree: Repeal SB 90
Boulder Weekly

A group of immigration activists who protested at the state Capitol this week and Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle have something in common.

They both want Colorado’s version of Arizona’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants overturned.

SB 90, passed by the state legislature in 2006, requires police...

President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement

From the Introduction - President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement:

...This report details how the Obama Administration has carried out a policy of de facto amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through executive policy decisions. Since 2009, the Obama Administration has systematically gutted...

Beyond 7 billion
La Times

After remaining stable for most of human history, the world's population has exploded over the last two centuries. The boom is not over: The biggest generation in history is just entering its childbearing years. The coming wave will reshape the planet, and the impact will be greatest in the poorest, most unstable countries...

White House Yields to Gessler in Voter Verification Fight
Colorado Observer

DENVER–The Obama administration finally blinked Monday in its years-long stand-off with state elections officials by agreeing to cooperate with efforts to identify illegal voters in Colorado and other states.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler announced Monday that a Homeland Security official had agreed to...

Border Patrol signs near the Mexico border in English, Spanish and Chinese


Republican U.S. Senate hopeful David Dewhurst, saying the U.S.-Mexico border is dangerously porous, said in a July 17, 2012, debate in Dallas that he has even witnessed suspicious signs.

"I’ve seen the Border Patrol signs that are now in English, Spanish and Chinese," Dewhurst said in the debate with Ted...

Proof That Terrorists Are Entering U.S. From Mexican Border - Video
Channel 2 WSBTV
Chanel 2 Action News has obtained evidence that terrorists are crossing the southwest border from Mexico. In May, we revealed how thousands of illegals from nations that sponsor terror - like Yemen - are being caught entering... Still in June, Homeland Security said there's no credible information terrorists are operating at...
Legal Illegal Immigration
Obama’s amnesty by fiat is politically cynical and constitutionally suspect
National Review Online

President Obama recently issued an edict exempting an estimated 800,000 to 1 million illegal aliens from the consequences of federal immigration law. Ostensibly that blanket amnesty applies to those who arrived before the age of 16 and are younger than 30; who are in, or graduated from, high school or have served in the...

Q&A: Kris Kobach, the Legal Mind Behind Arizona’s Immigration Law

Formerly a lawyer in John Ashcroft’s Justice Department, Kris Kobach has spent the last decade laying the legal framework for stricter immigration laws at the state and local level. He helped craft Arizona’s SB1070, which the Supreme Court partially blocked on Monday, and other legislation like it that’s taking root across...

Statement by Governor Jan Brewer U.S. Supreme Court Decision Upholds Heart of SB 1070
a victory for the rule of law
State of Arizona

Press Release from the State of Arizona, Office of the Governor
June 25, 2012

Today's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for the rule of law. It is also a victory for the 10th Amendment and all Americans who believe in the inherent right and responsibility of states to defend their citizens....

Supreme Court Upholds Key Part of Arizona Law
Wall Street Journal

The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough-immigration law but struck down others as intrusions on federal sovereignty, ...

The court backed a section of the Arizona state law that calls for police to check the immigration status of people they stop...

That section was one of four at issue before...

Supreme Court Invalidates 3 of 4 SB 1070 Provisions

The Supreme Court today invalidated three of the four provisions of Arizona’s SB 1070 law before the court. In a 5-3 opinion in Arizona, et. al. v. United States, the Justices upheld, for now, Section 2(B) of the law which requires police, after a lawful stop, to check the immigration status of a suspected illegal alien....

Supreme Court give states a green light to follow Arizona's lead on immigration


In all the analysis of whether Arizona or Pres. Obama came out on top in the Supreme Court’s ruling on S.B. 1070 today, the key question is: how well did unemployed Americans fare?

And the answer is: Very well.

Combined with another Court ruling on an Arizona law last year, states now have all the...

Feds' move weakens Arizona’s ability to enforce remaining SB 1070 provision
Arizona Daily Star

Homeland Security will not send its officers to pick up suspected illegal immigrants snared by local police in Arizona unless the person meets the agency’s priority criteria.

In a move that is a direct shot back at the state following’s today’s Supreme Court ruling regarding SB1070, senior officials at the Department...

Exponential population growth possibly a problem
The Coloradoan

Colorado, once known for uncrowded open spaces, scenic vistas, clean air and a high quality of life, is suffering from the negative impacts of our addiction to exponential population and economic growth. It’s projected that the North Front Range population will jump to 1.1 million by 2040, while the state adds 3 million...

How many refugees are resettled in Colorado?
Colorado Department of Human Services

Who is a refugee?
A refugee is a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of...

Obama's move on immigration is an unconstitutional disaster for the unemployed

President Obama thwarted the will of Congress and shunned the 20 million under-employed and unemployed Americans by announcing he will grant work permits to 2 million to 3 million illegal immigrants.

This appears to be an unconstitutional fiat that not only usurps congressional authority to set immigration policy but...

Should Counties Bear the Financial Burden of Undocumented Criminals?
Long Beach Post

On May 23, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced an alteration in the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) that will prohibit SCAAP funds from being used to reimburse localities for certain criminal aliens, or foreign-born criminals.

The funds will specifically exclude what are called "unknown" inmates...

U.S. signs migrant worker rights agreements
Fresh Fruit Portal - The Voice of the Southern Hemisphere

U.S. secretary of labor Hilda Solis has signed worker rights letters of arrangement with the ambassadors of Honduras, the Philippines, Peru and Ecuador.

Under the agreements, regional enforcement offices of Department of Labor (DOL) agencies – the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and its Wage and Hour...

Eric Holder Shows Nothing But Contempt For The Truth In Fast And Furious Scandal
Investors Business Daily

The Law: A House committee has announced a June 20 vote on whether Attorney General Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress for withholding documents in the "Fast and Furious" scandal. It can't happen soon enough.

For more than a year, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has labored to find out the...

Fake IDs coming from China, can fool experts
The Arizona Republic

...Overseas forgers from as far away as China are shipping fake driver's license and other IDs to the United States that can bypass even the newest electronic digital security systems, according to document security experts and the Secret Service.

The new IDs are "an affront to the very sovereignty and dignity of the...

New Data On ‘Population Emissions’

While many climate change studies focus on the physical and ecological processes that drive greenhouse gas emissions, a new study published this week focuses on the societal forces that could cause global warming.

In a report published Sunday in Nature Climate Change, Michigan State University professor Tom Dietz and...

On the border: Guns, drugs -- and a betrayal of trust

Columbus, New Mexico (CNN) -- Mayor Nicole Lawson is only 37, but her hair is already turning white as she tries to keep this border town corrupted more than a year ago by Mexican cartels from falling deeper into financial ruin.

Lawson runs the village by day and works as a town emergency medical technician by night....

Easier access sought for driver’s licenses
Tancredo, other opponents see politics driving the issue
Colorado Statesman

Proponents of a ballot proposal that would offer Colorado driver’s licenses to all residents of the state whether they are a legal resident or an undocumented immigrant are busy gathering signatures despite cries that the initiative would legitimize illegal behavior.

The petition specifications for Initiative 52 have...

Colorado college now offers tuition break to illegal aliens
The Examiner

On Thursday, the Metro State College of Denver’s board of trustees approved a plan that will give illegal aliens a 58 percent discount on their tuition. The move passed with a 7-1 vote.

Under the special rate, illegal aliens will pay $6,716.60 per year, while out-of-state students will pay $15,985 per year. In-state (...

Court says illegal immigrants can't have guns
Fox News

A federal appeals court says illegal immigrants don't have a right to own firearms under the U.S. Constitution...

The 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver ruled Monday that illegal immigrants have only limited protection under the Constitution.

Colorado’s Illegal Alien Crime Wave
The Social Contract

In the early morning hours of Mother’s Day 2005, Denver Police Detective Donny Young was assassinated in cold blood by an illegal alien. Young was working off duty in uniform with Detective John Bishop at the Solano Ocampo Hall to earn extra income to support his wife and two young daughters. Illegal alien Raul Gomez-Garcia...

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs
Center for Immigration Studies

...In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children...

A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households with children is received...

Census milestone: Hispanics make up 1 in 6 Americans
Denver Post

Latinos accounted for more than half of the U.S. population increase over the past decade, exceeding estimates in most states as they crossed a new census milestone: 50 million, or 1 in 6 Americans.

Meanwhile, more than 9 million Americans checked two or more race categories on their 2010 census forms, up 32 percent...

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers
FAIR - Federation for American Immigration Reform

illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. the bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost u.s. taxpayers is an annual amount per native-headed household of nearly $1,000...

Emergency beacons put in Texas desert for [Chinese] border crossers
Tucson Citizen

A pair of emergency beacons have been placed in South Texas to help stranded illegal immigrants [aliens] as they try to head north from the border along a popular desert trail, the U.S. Border Patrol said...

The two-story tall red steel posts are solar powered, with mirrors affixed to make them more visible during...

US population hits 300 million, but is it sustainable?
The Independent

The population of the United States will pass 300 million today, or tomorrow. No one knows exactly where, no one know precisely when. It is a milestone for sure but is this a cause for celebration or anxiety?

Some American commentators are already saying the landmark is a chance to note the US is perhaps the only...

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
Christian Science Monitor

Fifty-three years ago [in 1954], when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America's southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond....

New Study Spells Out Illegal Immigrants' Cost To Colorado
Defend Colorado Now Says Cost Is $1 Billion; Others Say Numbers Not Accurate
7 News

DENVER -- A new study spells out some of the costs of illegal immigration here in Colorado.

The report was put out Tuesday by a group that wants to put a measure limiting state services to illegal immigrants on the November ballot....

The group's data claims that Colorado taxpayers spent $64 million a year...

How Come We Can Have 40,000 miles Of Interstate, But Not 2,000 Miles Of Border Fence?

...over a 10-mile stretch of the border near San Diego, arrests of illegal immigrants have plummeted from about 25,000 per year three years ago to 3,000 per year today. Violent crimes have virtually come to a halt in that area, according to the San Diego PD. [Valerie Alvord, "Border fence plan runs into a barrier," USA...
