CAIR - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform

'Novelas' in Denver Public Libraries - Spanish language porn

Update: in an August 24 Denver Post article, it was reported that four Novelas were discontinued because of the efforts of CAIR. The remaining Spanish-language material will be kept on the shelves.

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"Novela" is the name sometimes given to Spanish language pornographic comic books. These novellas have been brought into Denver Public Libraries, presumably at taxpayer expense, to replace English language books. These Novellas are pornographic and reflect serious violence against women. These have been brought into at least the following libraries: Athmar, Byers, Ross-Barnum, and Hadley.

On August 4, 2005, DPL head Rick Ashton stated on the Beter Boyles' radio talk show that these Novelas had been brought into the DPL system starting 10 years ago. He also stated that DPL staff traveled to the Guadalahara, Mexico book fair (presumably to buy Novelas and other books). Although he stated that expenses were paid by the "Guadalahara, book fair", it is hard to imagine a "book fair" being able to afford such expenses.

In an August 5, 2005 Rocky Mountain News article, Sexy comic books in Spanish pulled from Denver libraries, Mike Eitner, a library supervisor, stated "The library has 6,569 fotonovelas among its 12 branches." Diane Lapierre, director of strategic planning for the library was quoted as saying the novelas have been on the shelves for 13 years. The article also stated, "Sexually explicit Spanish-language comic books are being removed from Denver library shelves and sent to downtown headquarters for inspection, library officials said Thursday." The books have been in the library system for at least 13 years, Lapierre said.

This material is possibly illegal under Colorado law.

'Novelas' at the Athmar Public Library, approximately August 3, 2005

1055 S. Tejon St. at W. Mississippi Ave. (80223), 303-935-0721

Note: the girl viewing the Novela in the above photo is a pre-teen who pulled the item off the shelf.

Photos by CAIR and by Sovereignty Colorado.


'Novelas' at the Ross-Barnum Public Library, approximately August 3, 2005

3570 W. First Ave. at Lowell Blvd. (80219), 303-935-1891


Photos by Sovereignty Colorado.


'Novelas' at the Hadley Public Library, approximately August 3, 2005

1890 S. Grove St. at W. Jewell Ave. (80219), 303-935-4267, TTY: 303-935-4269

Note: the girl viewing the Novelas in the above photos is a pre-teen who pulled the items off the shelf.

Photos by Sovereignty Colorado.


'Novelas' Byers Public Library, approximately August 3, 2005

675 Santa Fe Dr. at W. 7th Ave. (80204), 303-571-1665

Photos by CAIR.

All of the above photos iwere taken during a two-week period ending August 3, 2005.

Next: view foreign-language porn as of October, 2005