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Islam - learn more about political Islam, creeping sharia and Islamic conquest
Congress can and must impeach the judicial tyrants
Refugee resettlement and national security
Refugees Beget Refugees Without End
The True Cost of Sanctuary Cities
The Refugee Mess: What Are We Creating In America?
Sanctuary Nation - The Fraying of America
Huddled masses and deceptive clichés
Delphi Technique - how to manipulate public meetings
Why Does Congress Continue Importing Muslims Into America?
New Social Contract Fall 2017 issue - The Refugee Crisis And Its Impact on the West
Submit testimony on refugees to U.S. State department
What Western Countries Face with Refugee Armada
Knowledge is Power: A Series on Refugee Resettlement
African Cardinal Slams Mass Migration: The West Will Disappear If It Continues In This Fatal Way
High Treason in Germany
The Islamic moral economy, Neoliberalism, and Eurabia - some pieces of the European suicide puzzle
Refugee 101 in a 7 minute video
Europe: the beginning of the population tsunami
It's impossible to vet the minds of 110,000 Syrian Muslims
10 Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America
Swamp isn’t going to be drained, so it’s time to return to local action on refugee program
Transnational Progressives vs. Democratic Nationalists - Who Should Govern?
A very powerful video on European cultural and demographic collapse
The Asylum racket
Video: Sweden has died. Do not allow your country to be next
Welcome, Aliens!
Video: Camp of the Saints on the Rio Grande
Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) - Illegal alien kiddie colonists invited by Democrat regimes
Borderless! - Video
New CAIRCO reference sections on visas and refugee resettlement
Videos of the 2018 Social Contract Writers' Workshop are available online
America: Escape Valve for Third World Refugees
Conquest via demographics and overpopulation
Immigrant Vetting is "as American as Apple Pie"
Visa alphabet soup - an unmanageable mix
The Afghan Refugee Debacle - They Are Not Americans
Video: The International Financing of Engineered Migration
An Open Letter to George Soros on Migration
America Colonized by the World's Refugees
The Strange Death of Europe and the Strange Decay of America
The migration free ride is nearly over
Visas - an alphabet soup mismatch from A to Terrorism
The migration caravans - immigration death by a thousand cuts
The Camp of the Saints and Spiritual Death of the West
Have you read The Camp of the Saints?
Islam’s Onslaught on America: To Seed Host Countries To Gain Numbers (Hijra)
Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
Climate refugees or overpopulation escapees?
The New Migration - the population numbers are overwhelming
An immediate shutdown of all immigration into America
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