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Feds see surge in children crossing US-Mexico border amid concerns over [Obama] immigration policy
23 December 2013
Only 2.1% of ‘DREAMers’ Denied Work Permits in DHS Reviews
21 November 2013
Obama Administration Undermines Rule of Law...Again
20 November 2013
ICE Union: If Obama Won't Meet with Us On Immigration Bill Concerns, GOP Should
24 October 2013
CA 'Immigration activists' press Congress to end gridlock over Obamacare & Immigration reform [amnesty]
5 October 2013
Giving a Voice to the Victims Killed by Illegal Aliens - The Remembrance Project
5 September 2013
Immigrant (entered illegally twice now) without green card asks CA top court for law license
3 September 2013
Obamacare backlash a lifeline for Immigration Reform [amnesty]
19 August 2013
Requests for asylum in the United States along the border with Mexico have more than doubled over the last three years
18 August 2013
RNC Ups Immigration Reform Pressure On Congressional GOP — But Rejects Path To Citizenship
16 August 2013
Can Obama write his own laws?
15 August 2013
Half of eligible immigrants sign up for deferred deportation program
14 August 2013
Under President Obama, same-sex spouses now allowed to apply for U.S. visas
2 August 2013
Report could hurt immigration deal-Homeland Security loses track of 1 million foreign people-and are years overdue in setting up a system to track departures
30 July 2013
International: U.K. to Illegal Immigrants: Go Home Or Face Arrest
26 July 2013
Obama: [Lies] Illegals Must Learn English, Go to Back of Line for Citizenship
8 June 2013
Non-deportation rate drops --- to 99.2 percent
18 May 2013
Immigration Agents Ask Judge to Block Obama Initiative
8 April 2013
Many states fight immigration overhaul for youths - Social Security cards for illegal aliens
5 April 2013
How the Obama Administration Inflates Deportation Statistics
12 February 2013
Obama's refusal to deport illegal aliens unconstitutional, say law professors
13 October 2012
Law Profs: Obama's Deferred Action Not Supported by Constitution
8 October 2012
Mexican Drug Cartel Used "Fast and Furious" Gun in Failed Assassination Plot
10 August 2012
President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement
24 July 2012
Legal Illegal Immigration
28 June 2012
How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
6 July 2006
State of the divided union
Video: Camp of the Saints on the Rio Grande
The Neo-Imperial Presidency
Trump Administration Acomplishments
New Social Contract issue explores executive amnesty and vanishing resources
Movie review: America, Imagine a World Without Her
What Joe Biden’s presidency might mean for H-1B visas and Indian immigration to the US
Trump Can Trump The Kritarchs And End The Invasion
Trump Confirms More Federal Judges in First Term than Any President in 40 Years
Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza
Why are you picking on Democrats - or Republicans for that matter?
DREAMers and DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
Who can be President and what is a Natural Born Citizen?
Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) - Illegal alien kiddie colonists invited by Democrat regimes
Obama gave away the Internet forever
What's the worst that could happen? A turning point for America
Obama is giving out work permits and SSNs to illegal aliens without even the pretense of vetting
Act now! 10 days to defund Obama royal amnesty
The rotting dissolution of representative government
Letters Of Thanks to President Trump
287(g) program
Is Trump a solution to the Post-Constitutional Presidency?
Fixing Our Broken Immigration System Through Executive Action - Key Facts
Trump's emergency declaration - a mistake?
President Trump's DACA campaign promise
Who Will Tell the Truth About Joe Biden?
What You Can Do Today To Prepare For The 2020 Election
Doing the right thing
Ike and those pesky wetbacks
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months
President Declares ‘War on Entropy’ - questions the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Trump endorsers
Second Presidential debate - a calm, masterful Donald Trump made mincemeat of Joe Biden
The Wall, The Wall, The Wall - Are We A Country Or Destination?
Conservative leadership's Do Nothing defunding plan
President Trump reneges on "America First" campaign promise
Progressives Still Burdened by What Has Been
After the Republic
Important! Call Congress today to stop Obama unilateral amnesty!
The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy
Who Got Jobs During the Obama Presidency? Native and Immigrant Employment Growth, 2009 to 2012
Our President, the progressive left, and the deconstructionist media
Trump’s Historical and Miraculous Accomplishments Three Years Into His Presidency
Thanksgiving Proclamation
Electoral College - The Importance of the Electoral College
What Is to Be Done?
Turning from Principles - the 2012 Election
Trump important accomplishments
The Overton Window has shifted by precisely one sh*thole
On Donald Trump’s Extraordinary Achievements
Never Trumpers in Trumpian Times
House passes bill against Obama amnesties - Coffman and Gardner sell out
Video: Mark Levin: It's time to stand up on Election Day
The American Debunk
Obama the emperor issues royal amnistia for illegal aliens - and shreds the Constitution
Bill Clinton killed immigration reform in 1990s. That’s why the debate continues today.
Trump may be savior of American civil liberties
Natural Born Citizen Explained
Some New Year Surprises
High resolution - Obama the emperor issues royal amnistia for illegal aliens - and shreds the Constitution
The Unfathomable Obama Internet Giveaway
Fiscal impact of Biden and Trump plans: compare and contrast
Mass Deportation
Post American Presidents: Barack Hussein Obama and Kamala Harris
Swamp isn’t going to be drained, so it’s time to return to local action on refugee program
The 1776 report is indeed impressive
The Road Not Taken
Obama's Royal Decree - Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
5 Things Trump Did for the Left That They Refused to Thank Him For
Trump Nominated for His 4th Nobel Peace Prize — This Time For His Work in Ending the Era of Endless Wars
Urgent Questions for Republicans
The Social Contract Fall issue - Stolen Lives
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