Marxism - The Threat Within America

by Fred Elbel

Marxism has been tried numerous times throughout history, and every single time it has failed. Proponents blindly contend that each failure was because it wasn't a true implementation of Marxism, and next attempt will be successful.

Marxist ideology was embraced by Communist dictatorships over the last 100 years, including Communist China, The Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. An estimated 100 million people died as a result of famine, forced labor, and executions. One billion were enslaved.

Karl Marx believed that class conflict would lead to revolt of the working class against the managerial class. This conflict - or revolution - would ultimately lead to a Utopian classless communist society in which economic, as well as social and cultural capital, are redistributed.

The Marxist threat within America

Marxist infiltration of America has been underway for one hundred years. It's pervasive and hard to recognize because it has been disguised as other social movements. Many Americans intuitively understand that America has been undergoing a fundamental transformation, but they don't understand what it is, or why it is taking place. This transformation ramped up during Obama years, and visibly peaked during the Biden regime.

Marx's principle of class conflict failed to take root in America because the success of Capitalism elevated the economic well-being of the working class. Marxists in America therefore focused on cultural transformation and societal change.

The term "long march through the institutions" was coined by Rudi Dutschke and has been attributed to Marxist Antonio Gramsci. It involved a sweeping attack on Western culture via media, the film industry, and especially universities. This attack on Western Culture was termed "Cultural Marxism".

A form of Marxist philosophy developed by The Frankfurt Schools is called Critical Theory. It's a way of disguising Cultural Marxism. This philosophy has resulted in manifestations of identity politics and political correctness, which have effectively divided the United States - as was intended.

At this point in time, the long march through the institutions has been strikingly successful. There is a tremendous amount of damage to undo. 

A first step in undoing this damage is to clearly understand that Marxist revolution is the driving force behind America's social upheaval. As stated by David Horowitz:

An SDS radical once wrote, 'The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.' In other words the cause - whether inner city blacks or women - is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution.


A brief overview of Marxism in America is presented in the article, Trump Win Ends A Century Of Cultural Marxism, by Laszlo, Time For Truth, 7 March 2025. A multi-part series by the same author describes Marxist infiltration of America in more detail:

Our Turning Point: Either a Liberal or Progressive America

Critical Race Theory

Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness, and Critical Theory

Identity Politics: squabbling factions

Intersectionality - stacking levels of perceived discrimination

Leftism - a Hegelian spiral toward Marxism

The Bill of Rights vs The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto

The Marxist Enemy Within


 Can It Happen in America?
American Marxism
Why I Left Utopia
Mark Levin and Ted Cruz - Defeating Cultural Marxism
 power, race, and class
Best 30-Minute Explanation of Marxism