Why the Big Deal About Ethno-Nationalism? - video

Article CAIRCO note: 
Ethno-Nationalism vs globalism
Article author: 
Richard Marksbury
Article publisher: 
American Renaissance
Article date: 
15 November 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Richard Marksbury Conference Speech, AmRen 2024: "Why the Big Deal About Ethno-Nationalism?"

Prof. Richard Marksbury argues that everyone is inherently "racist." Human nature is shaped by humanity's evolutionary experience of living in small homogenous bands until the development of agriculture. He notes that there is intense opposition to centralization in separatist movements all around the world, and they are almost always based on ethnonationalist identity. Such movements strive to achieve the best way for human beings to live according to our nature. White Americans should be considered an ethnic group, and the traditional symbols of the United States belong uniquely to them.




Leftist / globalist attacks on Whites are synonymous with attacks on Western Civilization, as Western Civ was invented by, and is perpetuated by Whites. Conversely, promoting interests of Whites as an ethnic group sustains Western Civilization and America as a sovereign nation-state.

Here is a relevant comment posted to the article, Trump and the Academic Cocoon, by Heather Mac Donald, Quillette, 28 November 2024:

I've solved the problem of spending my whole life worrying about whether I might be called a White Supremacist by actively embracing the label. Yes, I note that 90 - 99% of what we call civilization is the work of white people (mostly male!!) and that thus the presumption that white people should remain in control of their own culture is as normal and natural as understanding that a mother is the best person to care for her own child. I consider that opinion to be simply good sense in the same way that almost nobody would dispute that the best people to care for Zulu culture are the Zulus.

On "White Privilege", by Alex Graham, Counter-Currents, 3 December 2024.