The West's Strategy for Self-Destruction: Is It Intentional?

Article publisher: 
RAIR Foundation
Article date: 
17 September 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Western civilization stands at a critical crossroads. Some argue that the ongoing mass migration, monetary recklessness, and unchecked bureaucratic growth aren’t accidental - they are part of a deliberate plan to dismantle Western society from within. Commentator Charlie Kirk articulates this view, suggesting that North America and Western Europe are actively employing strategies rooted in the radical ideas of Marxist political philosophers.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy: A Blueprint for Collapse

In the 1970s, Marxist scholars Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven proposed a strategy to overwhelm and destabilize the U.S. government by creating crises. Their goal was to bankrupt the welfare system and force a socialist revolution. But, as Charlie Kirk explains, their vision wasn’t limited to social welfare; it outlined a broader strategy to dismantle Western society through three main avenues:

  • Economic Collapse: By printing trillions of dollars without restraint, the value of currency would be eroded, destabilizing the economy and triggering a financial crisis, which would demand drastic government intervention.
  • Deep State Tyranny: The creation of a massive administrative state - or "deep state" - would serve as a tool to oppress citizens...
  • Mass Immigration: Opening the borders to millions of migrants would overwhelm public services, dilute national identity, and destabilize the political landscape. This is the most visible aspect of the Cloward-Piven strategy...

According to Kirk, the policies we’re seeing today... are the direct manifestations of the Cloward-Piven vision. The individuals pushing these policies aren’t merely incompetent; they are executing a calculated plan to erode the foundations of Western civilization...



The Collapse of America - A Plan Decades in the Making

President Cloward, Vice President Piven

Cloward-Piven at the border