Trudeau Establishes Elite Class As Canada Moves Toward Communism

Article author: 
Article publisher: 
CAP for Canada
Article date: 
8 February 2022
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Marxist philosophy argues that the most significant part of a person’s identity is their social class. According to the tenets of communism, a person’s social class determines the way that a person views the world around them.

... It comes as no coincidence that Justin Trudeau is the most ideology-oriented prime minister in Canadian history.

... Having no formal background in law, economics, or any other necessity, Trudeau had little choice but to take on the position of an ideologue.

Unfortunately for 38 million Canadians, our PM’s ideological beliefs are rooted in a favourite family pastime– a preference for communism. As it happens, brother Alexandre Trudeau received the nickname “Sacha” based on father’s  admiration for a high-ranking official in the former Soviet Union...

Turns out a post-modern elite class is being whipped into shape in Canada as we speak....

It’s foundation is based on a synthesis of government and media. This we witness in the absurdist media coverage of the Truckers Protest....

“The truckers are a threat to Canadian democracy.”

As if. The truckers, in fact, represent an exercise in democracy. It is Justin Trudeau who represents a threat to democracy. One way he is doing so is through an establishment of an elite class in Canada....

Beneath the media message is another form of attack– that which is perpetrated against “Old Stock” Canadians. As in, working class citizens. Conservatives, Westerners, Anglophones, Christians, Pro-Lifers....


Trudeau and the Truckers. Towards a Worldwide Movement Against the Covid-19 Mandates, by Prof. Anthony J. Hall
Global Research, 4 February 2022:

The Canadian Truckers’ Convoys that converged in Ottawa on January 29 are helping to energize the growing global movement favoring freedom and common sense over the atrocities enabled by unbridled medicalized tyranny.... The truckers, moreover, were quick to see the obscenity of extending mandatory injections towards the segregation implicit in instituting vaccine passports....

Following in the wake of the massive physical, mental, and economic devastation wrought by the lockdowns, the creation and enforcement of injection mandates further highlights the megalomania that has come to infect much of our governing class. With the well-orchestrated backing of media propaganda, governments continued to align themselves in lockstep coordination with the agendas of globalists, corporatists, transhumanists, and legions of self-promoting opportunists...

Trudeau tends to take his guidance, from secret proceedings in supranational venues that do their political business at levels of interaction far above international relations. Trudeau is far from alone among government leaders in applying this approach especially to the formulation of COVID policies....

As in most countries, the public’s initial willingness to accept Canada’s lockstep COVID policies has depended on the media’s 24/7 cultivation of mass hysteria....

The core strategy coming from governments and their elaborate arrays of propagandistic media conduits has been to persuade all members of the general public to regard one another as active or potential biohazards. These efforts by COVID Officialdom to blast apart the perceptual basis of social cohesion have been concerted and intense....

Many of us who worked hard to stay informed and retain our capacity for reason are only now starting to come to grips with the monumental scale of the multi-faceted frauds to which we have been subjected. In the eyes of a significant segment of the population, that official narrative of COVID-19 is fast coming undone...

The truckers’ stand in Ottawa is providing a prototype of how average people can meaningfully organize and express power through civil resistance and peaceful noncompliance. Thoreau and Gandhi would have approved....

Like Angela Merkel, Emanuel Macron, Gavin Newsom, Chrystia Freeland, Jeff Bezos, Tony Blair, Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates along with many other leading performers in the Crazy COVID Circus, Justin Trudeau is an alumnus of the Davos school. Often associated with annual gatherings that take place in the Swiss resort town of Davos, this school is contained within the larger framework of the World Economic Forum....

Wake-Up Call, by James Howard Kunstler, Lew Rockwell, 8 February 2022.

Biden is the Most Dangerous Radical President in U.S. History - Victor Davis Hanson, 8 February 2022: