They've Selected Kamala And This Is Their Plan

Article publisher: 
Burning Platform
Article date: 
23 August 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The Powers That Be/Deep State have gone to Plan B, since Plan A was a dementia ridden, pants shitting, child sniffing, corrupt, global embarrassment. Everybody knows Kamala Harris is an extremely unlikable, vacuous, commie, diversity shill, Obama puppet...

She hasn’t had an original thought or idea in her entire worthless, sleeping up the ladder, life...

The plan to place this low IQ diversity puppet into the White House is multi-faceted.

First, they will flood the airwaves with negative ads about Trump, because her record is non-existent/disastrous...

Second, they will have their regime media outlets heap praise upon her glorious rise against all odds through her joyful brilliance, while scorning Trump as a criminal, white supremacist, Putin puppet.

Third, they will try to duplicate the “Basement Biden” strategy of 2020 by never letting her speak off the cuff...

Fourth, they will conspire with their regime media partners to rig the polls...

Fifth, the Deep State will continue to try and drum up a new plandemic (Monkeypox, Bird Flu, New Covid strain) in order to drastically reduce or eliminate in-person voting, so they can commit more mail-in ballot fraud...

They already tried to assassinate Trump and missed by inches. They will try again and make it look like Iran was the culprit...