Somali cop kills pajama-clad white woman in occupied Minneapolis
Recent news stories report that a diversity-hire Somali cop shot an unarmed pajama-clad Australian woman in Minneapolis. It is likely that the national leftist mainstream media will obfuscate pertinent facts about the shooting, including:
- The cop apparently was a diversity affirmative action hire.
- The cop was Somali muslim refugee.
- The victim was a white Australian female immigrant. She was a meditation teacher and bride-to-be.
The victim had reportedly been speaking to police through the driver’s side window. She was shot multiple times through driver door by the Somali officer sitting in the passenger seat.
- Minneapolis is a muslim-occupied territory.
From the article Killer cop Mohamed Noor was 'diversity' hire - Officer was welcomed by mayor in wake of scathing criticisms on lack of black officers, by Leo Hohmann, World Net Daily, July 18, 2017:
... but the officer who pulled the trigger has been identified as Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American who entered the country as a refugee and was the first Somali to be employed by the department’s 5th precinct...
“Just imagine if the situation had been flipped and it had been a young, attractive Muslim woman who called 9-1-1 and ran out in her pajamas, thinking she was going to get help, only to be shot and killed by a white officer,” Corcoran added...
Justine Damond: Killed by "Islamophobia" - Political correctness put her in the way of a “nervous, jumpy” Muslim cop who took her life. , Robert Spencer, FrontPage Mag, July 21, 2017:
... Mohamed Noor is a Somali Muslim. He was the first Somali Muslim on the Minneapolis police force. In 2016, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges expressed her excitement about that fact: “I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department. Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”
Hodges wasn’t excited because Mohamed Noor had the skills necessary to become a fine police officer. She was only excited because he represented a religious and ethnic [group] that she was anxious to court...
He did not have the temperament for it, and if he hadn’t killed Justine Damond, he would likely have done something similar at some point...
So why was he on the force at all? Because he was the first Somali Muslim on the Minneapolis police force. He was a symbol of our glorious multicultural mosaic. He was a rebuke to “Islamophobes” and proof that what they say is false...
Mohamed Noor is not a jihad terrorist. This was not a jihad attack. He is just a trigger-happy, panicky, reckless individual who held his job not because he was fit for it, but because of what he symbolized. And in the wake of his failure, Minneapolis multiculturalists aren’t about to reconsider their religion. On the contrary, they are doubling down. Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges has immediately recognized — as authorities do everywhere after jihad attacks — that the real victims are not those who were killed or wounded, but the Muslim community. She should have issued a statement saying that she recognized that Mohamed Noor was not hired because he was competent, but because he was a Somali Muslim, and that she sees now that Leftist social engineering on the police force costs lives.
And in issuing this warning, Hodges is only reinforcing the false premises that led to the killing of Justine Damond in the first place: the idea that Muslims are a victimized, persecuted community that needs special consideration, such that an incompetent Muslim police officer had to be hired. This just ensures that in the future, there will be more Justine Damonds.

CAIRCO Research