Selling Our Birthright: The Case Against 'High Skill' Immigration

Article author: 
Josiah Lippincott
Article publisher: 
American Greatness
Article date: 
1 January 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

The American people deserve the first fruits of America’s wealth and prosperity. America First means putting Americans first...

America is not a nation of immigrants but a nation of citizens. The best and the brightest are already here...

The simple truth is this: America does not need more immigration... The flood of blue-collar workers from the third world since the 1970s has done enormous damage to America’s culture - cutting wages, driving up housing prices, and bringing crime: without Mexican immigration, there would not be Mexican drug gangs in America...

If America truly had a job shortage - if big tech companies really believed they were leaving billions of dollars on the table due to a lack of skilled workers - then they would be scouring American high schools for top-tier talent...

As of 2015, some 72 million individuals in America could trace their presence in America to Hart-Cellar. As of 2024, that number is closer to 100 million. America, in the last 60 years, has undergone a massive demographic change that was intentionally designed to transform the ethnic and political makeup of the country.

That population boom was also designed to keep the price of labor down. It is for this reason that the stock market has grown 1,379% (inflation-adjusted) since 1990...

America became great because of the character and toughness of its founding stock...

To get back to that national greatness, we need to cut off the flow of cheap labor and grifter migrants. Americans are the best and brightest. We shouldn’t be afraid to say so.


H-1B High-Tech Worker Job Displacement

A White Man in the Indian-Dominated Tech Sector, by Anonymous American, American Renaissance, 6 January 2024.