Sanctuary Schools Must End
... As a public school ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher for nearly a decade, I’ve seen the impact of the illegal immigration crisis firsthand. I’ve been posted to classrooms where the students number between 30 and 35 - and not a single one speaks almost any English...
I can say without hesitation that not one of the migrant students I’ve had in class over the past ten years has thought of themselves as an American...
Why do American schools accept illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders] without question?...
... the legal reason goes back to a 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe. This landmark ruling made every public school in the U.S. effectively a “sanctuary school.”... In a 5-4 decision, Plyler v. Doe struck down a Texas statute that mandated that children present in schools illegally were not to be funded by the state...
We are supposed to believe that the privileges of citizenship in the Constitution, specifically those in the 14th Amendment, apply to anyone who moves within the physical boundaries of the United States...