A Respectful Response To Never-Trump Republicans

Article author: 
Glenn K. Beaton
Article publisher: 
The Aspen Beat
Article date: 
11 July 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

... he [Donald Trump] pushed through potent tax cuts that produced the best (or is it the goodest?) economy in three generations. Contrary to the claim of the current White House occupant, inflation was not 9% but less than 2% at the close of Trump’s term and unemployment was at record lows.

He engineered the Abraham Accords in a major step toward peace in the Middle East. He kept Russia and China on the margins cowering in the dark while squeezing more money out of NATO countries for their own defense.

He nominated three solid conservative Supreme Court justices...

Perhaps the worst thing he did was something he didn’t do - he didn’t immediately call on the January 6 rioters to go home. He also unsuccessfully pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to certify the Electoral College votes against his reelection.

It’s those two things that Democrats and their never-Trump allies point to as a “threat to democracy.”..

Joe Biden, on the positive side . . . well . . . I’ll get back to you on that. On the negative side, he produced near-runaway inflation with a series of mega-moola payouts to encourage people not to work...

He catastrophically surrendered in Afghanistan...

He not only ignores Supreme Court rulings, but brags that he does so. He refuses to enforce the immigration laws, to the point that we have tens of millions of unscreened illegal aliens in the country. He vehemently opposes laws to prevent non-citizens from voting...

I don’t believe Trump is doing this because he wants to be a dictator for the limited years left in his life...

Rather, he’s doing it because he loves America and wants to serve - and to serve well... I do admire him, I do respect him, and I do intend to vote for him.


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