The Real Ethnic Conflict - Not What You Think

Article author: 
Theophilus Chilton
Article date: 
6 August 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... So what is the real ethnic struggle taking place? A couple of years ago, I wrote about how the process of ethnogenesis was creating two differing groups of people among America's White population...

One the one hand, you have "Red" Americans, people who tend to be conservatives of various stripes, tend towards being rural, exurban, or suburban, who are more tied to the land and to our original institutions. On the other, you have "Blue" Americans, who tend to be suburban or urban, tend to be more progressive (or at least internationalist) in their leanings, and value transnational institutions over Americana...

... each side has a very different understanding of patriotism. Red America understands it in the traditional sense of loving your people and their country, of being organically tied to your traditions, history, culture, and therefore the symbology that represent these. Blue America, on the other hand, mainly seems to understand "patriotism" in the sense of giving loyalty to the aggregation of internationalist bodies and institutions that I often collectively refer to as "the Regime." ...

In a sense, we can think of "Blue America" as not even being a specifically American phenomenon, but as encompassing all those on the Left across the entire Western world who have a "cosmopolitan" approach that leads them to reject loyalty to their own country and transfer it to global institutions and priorities...

Diversity + proximity = war, and all that. In fact, this is already happening, just a lot of the normie part of Red tribe hasn't awoken to it yet. Blue tribe certainly has, and they've been using "diversity" as a biological weapon against their own countries for years, if not decades...

The whole point to Blue tribe's immigration program is to continue to import and coopt as many foreigners into our nations as they possibly can..