Yes, We Can … Deport All Illegal Aliens!

Article author: 
Kurt Schlichter
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
5 September 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Donald Trump has been talking about deporting the millions of illegal aliens - they're not "undocumented workers" or "migrants," they’re illegal aliens - who Biden/Harris let in here and, of course, the regime media and the Democrats, as well as the Never Trump collaborators, are all in on the idea that this is somehow impossible... Why can’t tens of millions of illegal aliens be deported? There’s an easy answer - they can, and they should be. We just have to do it.

What we need is the will. What we need is not to allow ourselves to be swayed by sympathy for criminals who shouldn't be here in the first place. What we need to do is be tough. I'm not sure that a majority of Americans are tough anymore, but I think I'm a minority of Americans are tough enough to do what needs to be done. Time to get deporting!...

We need to check the citizenship of anybody who gets arrested. Any suspects who don't come back as American citizens don't get out of jail. They get put on a bus and sent south once they have served their sentence. No bail. This crap about not complying with immigration holds must stop...

We should tax remittances at 50%...

When there's no market for hiring illegal aliens here, they will go home all by themselves...


The E-Verify program

Give 'em a bottle of water and a bologna sandwich and put 'em on the first thing smokin'
The late, great Terry Anderson (video)