No Global Warming Per NASA Satellite Data

Article author: 
Geller Report
Article date: 
8 February 2023
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The New Climate Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting …

The gentle warming of recent decades, during which nearly all of our influence on global temperature has arisen, is a very long way below what was originally predicted – and still is predicted...

The New Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

As the third successive year of la Niña settles into its stride, the New Pause has lengthened by another month (and very nearly by two months). There has been no trend in the UAH global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies since September 2014: 8 years 5 months and counting...