The Netherlands is Taking a Pakistani Imam to Court for Issuing Fatwa

Article subtitle: 
The Netherlands Deserves the West’s Support
Article author: 
Geert Wilders
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
2 September 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Today, September 2nd, is a historic day. It is the first time ever that an Islamic cleric will have to stand trial for issuing an assassination fatwa.

In a few weeks, it will be 20 years since policemen wearing bulletproof vests and carrying machine guns arrived at my home. They gave me ten minutes to pack, pushed me into an armoured car and drove me off to an unknown destination. The evening of November 4, 2004, was the last time that my wife and I were in our house. Since that moment, we have been forced to live in various safe houses. We have lost our freedom and privacy. Everywhere I go, I am constantly surrounded by bodyguards...

I have always been a firm defender of freedom of speech. It is the bedrock of a free society and a functioning democracy. I will never be silenced. Fatwas, death threats, being on the death list of the Taliban and ISIS, nothing will ever stop me from telling the inconvenient truth...

The Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini has never been taken to court for his 1989 fatwa condemning the British author Salman Rushdie to death, but he should have been...

In May 2015, I was present at a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, where cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammed were judged. Islam forbids the depiction of its prophet, but there is no reason why this prohibition should apply to non-Muslims.

The contest in Garland was won by the American illustrator Bosch Fawstin, a former Muslim, for a picture of Muhammed saying “You can’t draw me!” and the artist replying “That’s why I draw you.” As it happened, two Islamic terrorists attacked the Garland cartoon exhibition with semi-automatic rifles and handguns but were shot by police officers before they could cause much havoc, apart from wounding a guard...

Geert Wilders is a Dutch parliamentarian and the leader of the Party for Freedom, the largest party in the Netherlands. He is the author of Marked for Death; Islam’s War Against the West and Me (Regnery).


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