Naomi Wolf: We're Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover

Article author: 
Naomi Wolf
Article publisher: 
Epoch Times
Article date: 
6 June 2022
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

According to Naomi Wolf, a former adviser to the Clinton administration, there are 10 steps every tyrannical government has followed. We are now at step 10, and once it locks into place, there will be no going back. Find out how you can help keep that from happening.

Story at-a-glance

  • There are 10 steps that leaders who want to crush a democracy will always take. We are now in Step 10, and traitors are dissolving the boundaries and sovereignty of the United States. The same is also taking place in other nations
  • The COVID pandemic was used to strip us of our liberties and to conceptually terraform America into being ready to accept a CCP-style World Economic Forum-guided post-humane and post-constitutional world
  • We are at war, and the federal government, institutions and agencies of various kinds, and the media, have all been weaponized against the public
  • Hopelessness leads to inaction, and without action, we’re guaranteed to lose everything. The one thing the technocrats’ technology cannot compete with is the analog world — analog devices and in-person relationships — so that’s where our greatest strength lies
  • General guidance on how to prepare for near-future events, and what is needed for survival and success in the long term are addressed

Repeat guest Naomi Wolf is the author of “The End of America,” published in 2007, and “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human,” which was released at the end of May 2022. In our previous interview, we discussed how “The End of America” dovetailed with current pandemic events....

[Naomi Wolf:]

The timeline is not good. November [2022] is going to be a very dangerous month in America. I mean, these people will stop at nothing and I’m literally afraid of a nuclear attack. I’m afraid the war in Ukraine will be the proxy or the rationale for an attack on the whole land. It’ll be blamed on Russia, but it could be [done by] anyone.

I think we’re even beyond a false flag right now in America because I thoroughly believe our White House is captured by China, that we have a puppet government … I voted for the Biden administration — which is embarrassing given that they’re committing treason — but they can’t resist what China and the World Economic Forum want them to do.

If you look at the harms in the Pfizer documents … this is a biological attack. The disruption of our food supplies is an attack. We are under occupation now. It’s not going to happen in the future. We have to notice that we are already under occupation....

I used to be a political consultant. Every single thing that the Biden administration has done in terms of messaging and symbolism has served to lower the status of the United States internationally....

In November, I anticipate a giant crisis, which will have the effect of, ‘It’s not safe to leave your homes.’ Everything is radioactive, or there’s smallpox everywhere, or there are mass shooters on the loose. This will drive voters to vote by mail instead of in person.

I say this as a political consultant: There is no way these people are acting like there’s going to be midterm [elections]. They’re acting like there’s never going to be accountability. There’s never going to be investigations. They’re never going to be impeached. So there will be no midterms. If I were to bet, I would bet the midterms will be dramatically compromised, if not taken off the table altogether, or made cursory....


Book: The Bodies of Others, by Naomi Wolf, 2022. It's a #1 best seller, yet Amazon is already limiting sales.

10 minute video interview: Dr. Naomi Wolf with Steve Bannon.

She also has done a 180 degree reversal on her liberal anti-Second Amendment views. It's a good article, albeit a bit long:
Rethinking the Second Amendment - Can We Indeed Have Peace and Freedom Without Guns? by Dr Naomi Wolf, 4 June 2022.

The Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover - 15 minute Interview with Naomi Wolf, 1 June 2022:


Compelling Perspectives on Politicization of the China Virus