Naive Liberals

Article author: 
Jeffrey Folks
Article publisher: 
American Thinker
Article date: 
19 February 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

We do not live in an entirely peaceful or civilized world. Conservatives realize that fact and wish to prepare for the worst by strengthening our military... and ensuring economic prosperity. In contrast, liberals live in a fantasy land, in which everyone is presumed to be “nice” and no other nation wishes to harm us...

The question is how we respond to the realities of war, genocide, and economic depression...

Liberals - and I would include Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden -  respond to the world’s evil by turning away and doing nothing...

... The only way to prevent another global war is for the U.S. to maintain a decisive advantage over our adversaries, something we lost under Obama and Biden. Fortunately, President Trump understands this reality and has proposed a $58-billion increase in defense spending along with increases in NATO and Japanese spending on defense...

Whether it is defense, inflation, immigration, fentanyl importation, or violent crime, liberals take a “soft” approach that turns its back on the problem and fails to protect us from harm. Liberals do not even admit that radical Islam is a problem...

The heart of the matter is the naïveté ofliberal thinking and the weakness of character associated with it...

Liberals are protesting any spending cuts, including cuts in DIE, USAID, and education. But, as is always the case, they refuse to recognize the problems. The U.S. is on a course toward  bankruptcy and defeat. The time has come to face the problems and take decisive action.


An overview of the ten ideologies of America


Leftist Rhetoric: Unoriginal & Repetitive, by Beau Albrecht, Counter-Currents, 18 February 2025:

Whether we like it or not, most people aren’t deep thinkers. This is especially so for those who pointedly tout themselves as independent minds. For quite some time, it’s been a common problem for leftists, who usually have no idea who implanted the ideas into their soft heads. One notable effect is that their rhetoric usually resembles a tapestry of strung-together clichés, which is a symptom of what their diminished mental universe looks like...

Contemporary leftist rhetoric is also devolving into a barrage of trite cant and humbug in purple prose. They used to have much catchier catchphrases, such as the slogan “Make love, not war” by Herbert Marcuse...

Since political correctness took off during the 1990s, much effort has gone into reframing language into catchphrases that reinforce their ideology. For one instance of many, the international trespassers once known as illegal aliens now are undocumented migrants...

Our democracy became a new catchphrase repeated incessantly...