Muslim Child-Rape Gangs of Hundreds of Thousands of British Young Girls

Article subtitle: 
Biggest Cover-Up in British History
Article author: 
Pamela Geller
Article date: 
5 January 2025
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

... Britain’s Home Office had received information about Muslim child rape and trafficking gangs raping vulnerable non-Muslim tweens and teens more than a decade before they commissioned a report. Such was the fear of appearing “islamophobic.”...

Britain has made its priorities clear: offending Muslims and Islam is far, far more serious than jihad terror or the sexual abuse of Infidel girls. To move strongly against such crimes would be “Islamophobic.” The British authorities have made their taste for jihad terrorists, and disdain for their foes, abundantly clear. While I am banned from the country for the crime of noting - correctly - that Islam has doctrines of warfare against unbelievers, Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain...

This is systemic in the Muslim community, Why? It’s in the Quran: Muslims can take “captives of the right hand” and use them for sex (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50). But any attempt or effort to educate the uninformed and non-Muslim world, was met with vicious attacks...

That is a sharia society. And under Islam, sex slavery of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an - the word of Allah...

[See links to related articles in the original article.]


The Rape of Britain: The coverup of mass rape by the British government is a demonstration of the awful fate awaiting post-national, multicultural states, by Joseph Addington, 5 January 2024:

... many Americans are now discovering what is known in the UK as the “grooming gang scandal,” a tame title for what may well be remembered as one of the most vile and tyrannical atrocities ever visited by a democratically elected government upon its own citizens. 

The scandal itself is over a decade old...

The events themselves are so horrible as to be almost inconceivable. From the late ’80s to the present, tens of thousands of young British girls, most between the ages of 10 and 15, have been raped, abused, and forcibly prostituted by gangs of Pakistani Muslim men in the UK...

Police refused to open criminal investigation... official government reports were suppressed...

(The UK lacking the robust freedom of speech protections of the First Amendment, imprisonment for speech posted on the internet is routine)...

The people of Britain would be more than justified in erecting once again the famous gallows of Tyburn and leaving such a memorial as would not be soon forgotten either by criminals or counsellors or chiefs of police...

Perhaps most importantly, the people of Britain must force their political leaders to reject once and for all the deleterious project of the multicultural society... The multicultural project is in rebellion against human nature; it can only be maintained by a state that systematically lies, oppresses its own citizens, and disregards the vulnerable it has a responsibility to protect.

How the grooming [rape] gangs scandal was covered up, The Telegraph, 4 January 2025:

... A total of 7,365 sexual grooming offences were recorded by forces in England and Wales in 2023/24, more than any other year and up 10.1 per cent on the previous financial year. The increasing trend is likely due to better recording by police and increasing reporting by victims.

Police in England and Wales closed investigations into 6,785 incidents of sexual grooming over the 2023/24 financial year. The most common outcome, applying to almost a third of cases (32 per cent), was for no suspect to be identified...

When people did try to raise the issue, they found themselves shouted down...

While fears over racial tensions and political correctness have left the state frequently unwilling to protect victims, the same concerns have seen attackers protected.

As the Jay Inquiry into Rotherham found in 2014, in at least two cases fathers tracked down their daughters and attempted to remove them from the houses where they were being abused.

The police arrested the fathers...

no police officer or government employee has ever been imprisoned for their misconduct...

If Britain is to redeem itself for the grooming gang scandal, it needs to understand how it got things so terribly wrong. This begins with the attitude that protecting the image of a successful multicultural society matters more than the actual truth of that multicultural society...


It’s only taken 23 years, by Pamela Geller, 5 January 2025:

For close to two decades, I (and a handful of scant others) reported on Muslim child-raping gangs – reporting the number of victims upwards of a million non-Muslim girls. I conducted interviews with survivors. No one cared. Worse. They shrugged.

A whole category stretching back decades...

Be aware that the PDF contains an upsetting summary of what hundreds of non-Muslim girls suffered during the prolonged and extensive attacks by just some of these Muslims. Do not read it unless you want to know the horrific details that those children endured. This is just a summary of the crimes committed, a tiny fragment, the full details of which have yet to be uncovered, along with many other cases all over Britain.


Islamic scholar: Muslims have the right to capture infidel women and use them as sex slaves...

[See the original article for links to dozens of related articles.]


Protecting Brand Islam, by Mark Gullick, Counter-Currents, 6 January 2025.

UK Sex Grooming Rape Gangs Victimize 19,000 Children in 2019

Reckoning With ‘Grooming Gangs’ - What do you do when the police, the politicians, and the press conspire to cover up atrocities?

UK: Saving Tommy Robinson (and English civilization)

Video: Tommy Robinson and the Death of Britain - "Convicted of Journalism"


Learn more about political Islam, creeping sharia and Islamic conquest

Book: Easy Meat: Inside Britain's Grooming Gang Scandal, by Peter McLoughlin

Book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, by Douglas Murray

The Unmitigated Gaul, Incompetence and Corruption of Joe Biden


Tragedy of 15-year-old Rochdale grooming gang victim who died after being injected with heroin: How Victoria Agoglia was repeatedly ignored despite telling police she was being abused, raped and plied with drugs by predatory paedophiles, Daily Mail, 16 January 2024.

Muslim Men Living “By Their Own Laws” in UK, Rape Victims and Their Families Harassed, Threatened by Muslim Community, Geller Report, 9 February 2016.

Why Grooming Gangs Target White Girls: A Survivor’s Story:


The Despicable British Government Gave Immigrant-invaders the Right to Rape Underage British Girls, by Paul Craig Roberts, Lew Rockwell, 7 January 2025:

The UK and all of Europe are already experiencing The Camp of the Saints, and they are too indoctrinated to realize it.

If truth be known, Britain and all of Europe are dead men walking. The countries exist only as ruins. The European countries are unable to produce leaders. The people are so brainwashed and indoctrinated that they prefer their children being raped to being called racists for putting a stop to it. European peoples have proved to be totally incapable of protecting themselves from immigrant invasion...


White British Minority by 2050: Open Borders Experiment by Design


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