Multiculturalism, Expansionism, and the Threat to American Identity
... After decades of worship by American institutions, the doctrine of multiculturalism is finally facing strong, sustained challenges at home and abroad. In essence, multiculturalism was a globalist imperative that masqueraded in the Western world as a moralistic form of cosmopolitan sophistication... Further, they not only asserted that all cultures can peacefully cohabitate in Western democracies, but they insisted that this cohabitation makes a nation stronger. After all, "our diversity is our strength." For multiculturalists, the operating assumption is “the more cultures we can pack into a nation, the better.”...
From the 1970s to the 2000s, multiculturalists slowly moved from the position that "all cultures are equal" (which at least implicitly acknowledged the value of American culture) to “other cultures are better” (which explicitly frames American culture as defective and undesirable). After that transition was complete, it followed that the official (if unstated) objective would be to flood America with as many people from other (non-Western, non-European) cultures as possible...
By now, it is now apparent that the multiple cultures coexisting in America each have their own creeds—and some are more hostile to the American tradition than others...
For at least two decades, though, institutions have instructed young Americans that the core element of American culture is a dedication to multiculturalism. We know that is untrue because it is a paradox: the defining aspect of a culture cannot be that it has no distinctive aspects other than the fact that it has none...
A culture only exists to the extent that it reflects a considerable difference from other cultures. Thus, a culture with nothing distinctive is no culture at all. This exposes the true nature of multiculturalism: it is a cultural solvent, an ideology that aims to dissolve any particular culture by diluting it with other cultures. This is why leftists and multiculturalists are opposed to any serious effort to assimilate newcomers...
The real goal of celebrating culture difference is to erode the privileged status that American culture enjoys in America...
While the question of nationhood is undoubtedly important, the question of the defining character of Americans is perhaps more so...
The trouble with diversity is... it's divisive!
The End of Suicidal Universalism
The Nation Is a Biological Group
The Diversity Delusion: Destroying America’s Heritage With Endless Immigration
Multiculturalism - not all cultures and civilizations are equal