Most Extreme Gun Law in America: Colorado Dems Seek Full Ban on All Semi-Auto Firearms

Article publisher: 
Restoration News
Article date: 
3 March 2025
Article category: 
Colorado News
Article Body: 

A controversial and unconstitutional ban on semi-automatic firearms is moving through the Colorado legislature, and it is unlikely that Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis will veto the measure should It land on his desk.

The bill, SB 25–003, which cleared the Colorado Senate on February 22, would impose the most sweeping ban on firearms in the nation—outlawing simple, everyday firearms under the basis that they can shoot more than one bullet before being reloaded. If the bill clears the Colorado House, Gov. Polis is expected to sign the legislation before it goes into effect in September...

Law-abiding Americans Forced to Buy Back their Rights

Before clearing the Colorado Senate, Democrats amended the bill to allow the purchase of semi-auto firearms if the individual takes a hunter safety course, a firearm safety course, an undefined 12-hour course over two days, applies for a gun buyers license, and undergoes fingerprinting and a background check.

Simply put, the amendment forces gun owners to “buy back” their gun rights, said Second Amendment advocacy group We The Second. 

After Senate Republicans requested a fiscal note for the proposed legislation, Democrats estimated it would cost $1.8 million—an extra burden for a state already dealing with a $1 billion budget deficit...