Minority Report

Article CAIRCO note: 
demography is destiny
Article author: 
Article publisher: 
Taki's Magazine
Article date: 
22 September 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... Immigration is the European topic most likely to inspire a circular firing squad of E.U. big shots. They’re the ones who insisted on open borders some thirty years ago... These Brussels clowns should be forced to clean latrines of immigrant hostels for at least ten years. Hammered by illegal immigration and facing social meltdown, the Brussels dream is revealed as the nightmare it always was and is...

...  open borders will be the end of Europe as we know it. There is no way that the old continent of 745 million souls can survive if 400 million Africans land on our shores. Surely you must think I’m joking, but actually, I’m not. Mind you, it is happening as I write this and will probably take a century, but if things remain as they are, I cannot see white Europeans being in the majority fifty years down the line. Corrupt African leaders, draught, and climate change will drive African hordes north, no ifs or buts about it...

Back home in the good old United States of America, people do not have to risk their lives on flimsy boats, they can walk in from Mexico. Kamala was assigned the task four years ago to stop illegals crossing the southern border, and she now claims that she did just that. Neither The New York Times nor The Washington Post, nor the three major TV channels, have bothered to call her an outrageous liar as over 10 million people have come into the country during the glorious Biden-Harris years...

The trouble with... America is that by the year 2045 whites will be a minority...

In the meantime, multinational crime syndicates are ravaging the U.S., with Venezuelan gangs having established themselves in cities like Denver, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Minneapolis... We are being replaced.


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