Kristi Noem stops taxpayer money from funding illegal alien flood

Article author: 
Todd Bensman
Article publisher: 
New York Post
Article date: 
28 January 2025
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

For four years, I’ve reported about how a large, organized constellation of United Nations agencies partnered with hundreds of private nonprofit groups to direct billions of mostly US-taxpayer dollars into supporting historic illegal southern border crossing levels during... Joe Biden’s term in office.

Even for the new Trump administration, this conglomerate of 15 UN agencies and 230 NGOs was proposing to spend yet another $1.4 billion on the migration trail in 2025, $1.2 billion more for 2026.

That’s in addition to the more than $6 billion from 2020-2024 during the greatest mass migration event in American history...

Separately, hundreds of millions more went through NGOs to migrants arriving on the US side for their soft landing resettlements.

But now it looks like little to none of that funding will come from US taxpayers going forward.

New Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem on Wednesday issued an “exclusive announcement” to Fox News’ Will Cain that Trump has turned off that firehose.

“We have stopped all grant funding that’s being abused by NGOs to facilitate illegal immigration into this country,” Noem said. “I’ve taken action to stop those funds, to re-evaluate them, and to make sure that we’re actually using taxpayer dollars in a way that strengthens this country, to keep people safe...

“We’re not spending another dime to help the destruction of this country.”...

The enterprise’s kingpins, I frequently reported, were the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM), both of which receive billions annually from the United States, the majority of their budgets.

The UN money cannot go unaddressed if the Trump administration is serious about ending US taxpayer support for the nation’s mass migration crises...


Video: Who's Funding the Invasion?, by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke, Truth Over News, 3 February 2025.