Key to Trump Victory: Target Dodgy Addresses on Voter Rolls

Article author: 
Steve Baldwin
Article publisher: 
Gateway Pundit
Article date: 
6 August 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

... Trump could still lose in November. Why? The Democrat vote thieves are back, and they are better poised than ever to perpetrate the same fraud techniques they deployed so successfully in 2020.

Indeed, recent news stories in Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania - all swing states - confirmed that there was indeed an organized effort to steal the 2020 election...

Such naivete on this issue has left the RNC and the Trump campaign unprepared to confront potentially millions of “phantom voters” that the Left already has added to the swing states’ voter rolls in preparation for another election theft...

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, once again, is pouring millions into legally suspect “voter registration” and “voter turnout” efforts that curiously focus primarily on Democrat strongholds...

Also, Biden directed the entire executive branch of the federal government to engage in election activity, a legally suspect executive order if there ever were one. An honest attorney general would probe Biden for violating the Hatch Act...

Indeed, Democrats find phantom voters by cross-checking Post Office and state coroners’ data files with official voter rolls. This helps them identify dead people and those who moved out-of-state but remain registered as voters.

Once equipped with a database of these trusty phantom voters, Democrats create systems through which they secure these unclaimed ballots. With the dead and out-of-state voters conveniently out of the way, these crooked operatives simply re-register them using addresses that they control. Typically, this includes gas stations, industrial buildings, hotel rooms, and other non-residences to which they have access.

However, the Left also registers phantom voters at addresses that they know will boomerang ballots back to the Post Office - namely vacant lots, abandoned houses, or Zip Codes that deliberately are off by one digit.

How do these ballots move from the Post Office to vote-fraud networks? Election-integrity expert Jay Valentine of Omega4America says: “Many postal workers have informed me that they have co-workers working in cahoots with Democrat operatives by turning over to them all returned ballots.”...

Now there is a new factor - illegal aliens. Three different academic studies over the last 20 years concluded that between 8% and 12% of illegal aliens vote, but that was before Biden opened the floodgates to 8-10 million more illegals and showered them with benefits...

The RNC is unprepared to stop the election shenanigans that are already afoot. As Valentine says, “The RNC is using 1980s technology to analyze voter files. They have no idea what to do and have no plan to counter this fraud.”...

As of August 7, it is too late to change official voter rolls. So far, there’s little evidence that the RNC is challenging the roughly 3.5 million phantom voters that Valentine estimates are on the swing-state voter files, just waiting for crooked Democrats to deploy them...


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