Kamala Harris: Open Border Czar, Climate Alarmist, Energy Luddite

Article CAIRCO note: 
Oh yeah - and she's a DEI hire
Article date: 
24 July 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Mark Levin: Kamala Harris is being handed the Democratic nomination, 28 July 2024. Mark Levin had the best analysis yet of Kamala Harris, American Thinker, 29 July 2024.


From the article: Kamala Harris: Climate Alarmist, Energy Luddite, by Christopher Talgo, Townhall, 23 July 2024:

Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s pea-brained energy policies, American families have spent more than $2,500 in higher energy prices since 2021.

Specifically, as detailed in a new policy analysis by The Heartland Institute...

... over the past three years, residential electricity prices have increased 23 percent, industrial electricity prices have increased 19 percent, home heating oil prices have increased 69 percent, oil prices have increased 52 percent, natural gas prices have increased 32 percent, and gasoline has increased $0.97 per gallon, or 42 percent...

In a nutshell, we should prepare for even higher energy prices because Kamala Harris is even more radical than... Biden when it comes to energy policy.

In 2020, during her brief run for the Democrat presidential nomination, Harris made it crystal clear that she is a climate alarmist to the core.

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” then-Sen. Harris (D-CA) said at a town hall in late 2019.

During her run for the Democrat presidential nomination, Harris also endorsed a plan that included $10 trillion in new initiatives to fight climate change. What’s more, she supported a tax on carbon dioxide emissions as well as a national ban on plastic straws.

Even worse, Harris was an original co-sponsor of the radical Green New Deal...

Incredibly, were Kamala Harris to become the next president of the United States, her energy policy agenda would make... Barack Obama and... Joe Biden look like relative moderates...

Biden and Harris welcomed the deadliest border invasion in the world without facing any accountability, by Jordan Boyd, The Federalist, 24 July 2024:

... Biden first charged Harris with leading “our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help...

Harris didn't do much with the title and task. Yet, even her delayed first and only (and heavily staged) visit to the border received celebration from her allies in the press....

The real border story continues to be that the Biden administration ushered in the deadliest invasion in the world without facing any accountability...

House Passes Resolution Condemning Kamala Harris’s 'Failure' as 'Border Czar' with Support from Six Democrats, Breitbart, 24 July 2024.

Kamala Harris, Natural Born Citizen? No, by Federale, 23 July 2024:

... There are some claims out that at least one of Harris’ parents was in the U.S. illegally and that she was born before either or both parents became LPRs (Lawful Permanent Residents), but more importantly, that she was born before either or both were naturalized.

Professor Doctor John Eastman is claiming that Harris might not make the citizenship standard at all, with questions out as to the legal status of her parents...

Fun fact, her father is the descendant of a Scot-Irish slave owning planter in Jamaica. [Kamala Harris’ Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather Was ‘Notorious’ Irish Slave Owner Who Bought Jamaican Plantation And Travelled [sic]To London To Fight Abolition, Historian Claims, by Martin Robinson, Daily Mail, July 23, 2024] That would explain her octoroon appearance...

Harris also spent much of her early life in Canada, despite claims to being a native Oaklander, where she only lived after returning to the United States after her early education in Canada, which she obviously never talks about...

RFK Jr. in 2 minutes just shredded Kamala Harris entire political career, 21 July 2024:


Kamala Cover Up: GovTrack Deletes Website Ranking Harris as 2019’s 'Most Liberal Senator', Breitbart, 25 July 2024.

Video: Marjorie Taylor Greene Brings The Receipts To Take Down 'Complete Failure' Kamala Harris, 25 July 2024:


17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris' Far-Left Record, Breitbart, 24 July 2024:

Below are 17 examples of Harris’ far-left record:

Below are 17 examples of Harris’ far-left record:

1. Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] from deportation
2. Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation
3. Backed banning private health insurance
4. Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants
5. Supported banning fracking
6. Backed defunding the police
7. Compared ICE to the KKK
8. Wanted to ban plastic straws
9. Defended banning offshore drilling
10. Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind nearly every Trump-era measure
11. Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings
12. Said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals”
13. Called for “starting [ICE] from scratch”
14. Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law
15. Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists.
16. Supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department
17. Called efforts to add more police to the streets "wrongheaded thinking"

If You Thought Biden Was Bad, Here Are Kamala's Promises, ZeroHedge, 24 July 2024:

John LeFevre (must follow) summed it all up in a thread on X:

1. Promises to ban fracking and offshore drilling
2. Supports mediocrity over merit: "equal outcomes for all"
3. Wants more big government / deficit spending
4. Supports free healthcare and housing for illegals
5. Hoax peddler (Smollett, Charlottesville, Border agents whipped migrants, Russiagate, Biden is healthy)
6. Wants more funding for foreign wars
7. Race-baiter
8. BLM supporter
9. Supported Defund the Police
10. Supports woke DEI ideology
11. Was ranked as the "most liberal" Senator (100/100)
12. Wants to pack the Supreme Court
13. Supports ending the filibuster to pass radical legislation
14. Climate change zealot
15. Supports open borders
16. Wants to abolish ICE
17. Wants the government to legislate what you eat, including less red meat
18. Supports restricting the 2nd Amendment
19. Wants to replace private insurance with universal healthcare
20. Election denier

Before and After: Watch the Media's Total About Face on Kamala Harris as Biden's Border Czar (video), Gateway Pundit, 25 July 2024: The entire liberal media establishment is furiously scrubbing their own reportage on this issue to hide the truth from the American people... NewsBusters has done an outstanding job of calling out the media on this.

The real story continues to be that Biden and Harris welcomed the deadliest border invasion in the world without facing any accountability, The Federalist, 24 July 2024.

Why Is It Offensive To Call Kamala A DEI Hire? by David Harsanyi, The Federalist, 24 July 2024:

Anger over the 'DEI hire' accusation is a tacit admission that DEI is racist policy...

It was the left, after all, that conceived and implemented DEI programs around the country...

Let’s face it, the only reason mentioning DEI is considered a "racial attack" by the left is because DEI is a racist policy. The anger over the Kamala accusation is a tacit admission that race- and sex-based hiring practices degrade a person’s accomplishments and career. If that is true of the vice president, it is surely true of the millions of minority women and men toiling to make it out in the real world...

It was clear that Kamala Harris wasn’t the meritocratic choice, not even among the other 2020 Democrat Party presidential contenders. Her campaign didn’t even make it to Iowa. Her senate career was undistinguished. Her polling was atrocious. She was unable to run a campaign or keep her staff...

Kamala Can’t Win On Policy Or Performance, So The Media Will Make This Campaign A Race War, by Eddie Scarry, The Federalist, 24 July 2024.

5 Ways Kamala Harris’s Democrat and Media Enablers Are Gaslighting America, Breitbart, 24 July 2024:

1: Hiding Biden's Cognitive Decline...

2. Casting as Offensive Questions About Harris's Competency...

3: Claiming Harris Was Selected "from the Grassroots, Bottom-Up"... Black Lives Matter, for example, has taken issue with the effort to "anoint" Harris, as Breitbart News noted. "We do not live in a dictatorship," the group declared in a statement. "Delegates are not oligarchs. Any attempt to evade or override the will of voters in our primary system-must be condemned."...

4. Covering for Harris's Record on Illegal Immigration...

5. Deleting the GovTrack Page Rating Harris as the Most Liberal Senator...

Kamala Harris is a Descendant of a Notorious Irish Slave Owner on Sugar Plantations in Jamaica, by Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 24 July 2024.

Kamala Harris Failed to Connect One Person with High-Speed Internet with $42.5 Billion from Infrastructure Bill, Breitbart, 26 July 2024.

The Oppo Report On Faux Queen Kamala, by Theodore R. Malloch, OAN, 24 July 2024.

Kamala Harris Played ‘Instrumental’ Role in Biden’s Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens, Breitbart, 30 July 2024.

The Dangers of a President Kamala, by Bruce Thornton, Frontpage Magazine, 31 July 2024.

The Ministry Of Truth Is Proud To Present: ‘Kamala Harris’ For President, by David Harsanyi, The Federalist, 29 July 2024.


Kamala was never border czar