John Derbyshire: Ryan WANTS Amnesty, Trump Distracted. Thank God For Sessions!
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Article date:
9 June 2018
Article category:
National News
Article Body:
The congressional GOP led by House Speaker Paul Ryan has been meeting this week to try to get Republican immigration legislation through the House. There is a deadline looming: next Tuesday, June 12th. Twenty-three of the most RINO-ish Republican representatives have been pushing for a discharge petition. [House Republican factions hunt for immigration deal, By Alan Fram And Lisa Mascaro, AP, June 7, 2018]
The House rules—I tell ya, I've been reading up this stuff, and God! do I need a drink—the House rules say that a discharge petition can only be brought up on the second and fourth Monday of each month.
Hence the deadline. If the 23 RINOs can get a majority of House members to sign on to it by next Tuesday, on June 25 the House will have to consider—to actually vote on—four proposals for immigration legislation that have been stuck in committee. By House rules one of those proposals—the one that gets most votes—will pass and go to the Senate....
Supposing this discharge petition is voted up next week, what would that mean for immigration?...
So if the discharge petition goes through, the House will end up passing Democrat-approved legislation, which of course means a huge mass Amnesty in return for nothing at all.
And this is in fact what a great many other House Republicans want—including Paul Ryan. So why aren't they all signing the discharge petition?
Because House Republicans are pulled two ways. Pulling them to the Left are their big-money donors, who want cheap labor. Pulling them to their Right are their voters, who want restrictions on immigration....
The impression I've been getting is that the National Question isn't often at the front of Trump's mind. It does get dragged to the front now and then....
It's not a heart issue with him, though, as it is with those of us who've been badgering on about it for years.
It surely takes second place in Trump's mind to personal grievances and antagonisms. Every immigration patriot's favorite government employee today is Jeff Sessions, who actually has been trying to do some of the things the Executive can do without the need for new laws....
Bottom line: Nothing to hope for from Congress; some signs of wakening awareness from the President; God preserve Jeff Sessions!