Joe Biden's Population Policy (You Can't NOT Have A Population Policy )
Article publisher:
Article date:
13 July 2020
Article category:
National News
Article Body:
We got a glimpse this week of Joe Biden's immigration policy.
There was nothing at all surprising about it. An end to immigration enforcement; amnesty and citizenship for ten million, twenty million—however many it is—illegal aliens; 125,000 so-called "refugees" a year, … the works....
This all emerged from a task force [PDF, 110 pp.] the Democrats set up to reconcile Biden's position with those of Bernie Sanders....
one of the fears of the Biden people is that those Bernie voters won't turn out for Joe in November.
That's particularly a fear in California, Colorado, and Nevada,...
You can't not have a population policy; you can only have a good one or a bad one. To judge from this task force report, Joe Biden has a really, really bad one.