It’s Corruption, All the Way Down
The Rocky Mountain Institute is a far-left, “environmentalist” organization that is best known for leading the campaign to ban gas stoves. But there is more to the organization’s radicalism than that, as energy expert Robert Bryce notes:
RMI is pushing these policies even though 69% of voters oppose bans on gas stoves. However, the gas bans are only one aspect of RMI’s radical agenda. In 2023, it published a report with the Bezos Earth Fund, which claimed, “the fossil fuel era is over.” Furthermore, RMI says it aims to “identify and scale energy system interventions that will cut greenhouse gas emissions at least 50 percent by 2030,” and claims it is “transforming the global energy system to secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all.”
Energy extremism is profitable. In recent years, RMI has prospered to an extraordinary extent...
Where does all that money come from?
According to its latest annual report, RMI gets funding from the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of State, Department of Transportation, General Services Administration, and the US Trade and Development Agency. It is also getting funding from the International Finance Corporation and World Bank.
Why is the federal government funding a left-wing propaganda machine that works adversely to the interests of Americans? And not just funding, but funding lavishly...