Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of 30,000+ Muslims March: Video

Article publisher: 
RAIR Foundation
Article date: 
30 August 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

A massive Islamic procession in Dearborn, Michigan, led by a radical Imam, reveals the unchecked spread of Sharia, the alarming alliance between local authorities and radical elements, and the growing threat of Islamic supremacism, all under the guise of a so-called ‘peace’ rally on American soil.

In a shocking demonstration of power, around 30,000 Shia Muslims converged on Dearborn, Michigan, to mark the 40th day of Imam Husayn... This sharia-adherent event... is more than just a religious gathering - it is a display of Islamic dominance on American soil...

Dearborn, a city on American soil, is becoming a hub for a massive, organized show of Islamic strength, with all the associated implications for the wider society...

In order to deceive non-Muslims, the radical event was promoted as a “Rally for Peace and Justice.” However, in the context of Islam, “peace” and “justice” carry meanings that sharply contrast with Western interpretations. Rather than representing harmony and coexistence, “peace” in Islam is often synonymous with submission to Islamic rule, and “justice” aligns with the enforcement of Sharia law. This language is not about mutual respect but about dominance - where non-believers are subjugated, forced to convert, or eradicated. The Quran’s call for jihad against infidels isn’t a path to peace as understood in the West; it’s a blueprint for global domination through violence and fear, all cloaked in the misleading language of tolerance and justice...


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