Invasion Alert

Article author: 
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Article date: 
1 April 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... if we are libertarians, don’t we have to defend "open borders"? I will argue that we don’t.

One of the most obvious reasons mass immigration is a problem is its immense cost - hundreds of billions of dollars. A post from November 2023 that appeared on Judicial Watch explains:

“Mass illegal immigration resulting from the Biden administration’s open border policies is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars to provide an unprecedented number of migrants with medical treatment, housing, education, and other welfare services, not to mention law enforcement. A new congressional report that includes federal and state figures reveals the shocking price of supporting an estimated 16.8 to 29 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States. The “net cost of illegal immigration is greater than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of 15 different states”...

Healthcare is among the biggest expenses with Medicaid costs for “emergency services for undocumented aliens” [illegal alien invaders] exceeding $12.4 billion in the last two years, according to figures provided to committee members by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In fiscal year 2022, which ended in September, improper Medicaid payouts across the U.S. totaled more than $80 billion with around $8 billion going to illegal aliens...

Housing migrants is another huge expense that is forecasted to reach as much as $451 billion, according to figures cited in the congressional report...

If immigration costs so much, why do brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers support it? One answer is that it is a way of getting votes for their party. In fact, importing enough immigrants into America will ensure that the Democrats will never lose an election. Martin Armstrong gives a good explanation of what the Biden gang has planned for us:

“The Biden Administration is deliberately trying to allow illegal aliens in, grant them residency, and then voting rights before the November 2022 election"...

It has been argued that Biden intends to grant 11 million illegal aliens citizenship to tip the balance of power to the Democrats. Some fear that this may be as much as 20 million, and the Democrats hope this will end the Republican Party...

... Brandon Smith tells us who is behind the pro-immigration agenda:

“I have said it many times in the past but I think it bears repeating once again: If you want to understand why world events happen the way they do, you must understand the goals and influence of globalist institutions. You must accept the fact that these people create most of the national and international disasters you and I have to deal with on a regular basis and oftentimes they create these disasters deliberately."...

It’s estimated that the net lifetime cost of each illegal immigrant for the American taxpayer is over $68,000. While some illegals do end up paying taxes, their overall cost is far higher than the amount they pay in...

But even more important than the economic costs of immigration are the cultural costs. We are being flooded by people from alien cultures, exactly the way Jean Raspail described in his famous novel The Camp of the Saints...

Let’s do everything we can to secure our borders and block brain dead-Biden and his gang of neocon controllers from destroying us.


Trump Calls for Mass Deportations of Illegal Aliens: 'We Have No Choice, It's an Invasion' (Video)