The Inevitable War With Iran

Article author: 
Tucker Carlson interview with Jeffrey Sachs
Article publisher: 
The Tucker Carlson Show
Article date: 
3 January 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Tucker Carlson's interview with Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden's Attempts to Sabotage Trump is well worth watching, especially the first hour. Sachs exposes how the deep state military industrial complex controls America's foreign relations - and our engagement in foreign wars. This is not information you will find in the leftist mainstream media.

Piers Robinson and Ted Walter discuss this interview in their 11 January 2024 Burning Platform interview: What Jeffrey Sachs and Tucker Carlson get right and wrong about the post-9/11 wars. Excerpts follow:

... Back in 2018, in a remarkable MSNBC interview, Sachs wrong-footed his interviewers by revealing the US's covert involvement in the war in Syria... Sachs shocked the table of talking heads by informing them it was already intervening via a covert and completely illegal 'regime change' operation, called Timber Sycamore, aimed at overthrowing the Syrian government...

Citing Wesley Clark’s famous 2007 claim on Democracy Now, Sachs informs Tucker of the US plan to overthrow seven countries in five years and identifies the targeted countries as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finally, Iran...

If there is one point of difference we have with Sachs, it is that he describes these 'regime change' wars as 'Netanyahu's wars', fought by the US 'on behalf of Israel'. We regard them as being as much about US imperialism or 'primacy'..

... the kind of clarity and context he provides is absolutely essential...

Tucker asks Sachs if he expects classified documents on 9/11 to be released by the incoming Trump administration... Sachs declares that massive disclosures have the power to change everything about our current course. 'If it could only be, this would change so much', Sachs exclaims...

Tucker, unfortunately, makes a noticeable misstep at this point by suggesting that large-scale declassification might reveal why Al-Qaeda decided to attack the US...

Fortunately, Sachs takes his answer in a different direction and, instead, emphasizes the long history of covert CIA operations, only ever scrutinized once during the Church Committee in 1975...

Sachs tells Tucker:

Whether any of this is ever found, I don't know. But if it is, it would change the course of America back to a true republic. Because what happened in this country is that we were overtaken by the security state and we became a system of confidentiality and unaccountability. And it's a big, massive machine, and a lot of people are paid to keep quiet or to salute whatever the military industrial complex or the intelligence agencies are doing without asking questions. Because when you have one and half trillion dollars a year spent on that, you're a pretty big business. And it has affected the universities, the think tanks, of course, the Congress, which asks no questions of any serious kind. And so major, major events of fundamental significance for our insecurity take place without any truth-telling at all.

He then notes that the most important thing Trump can do is to embark on a policy of wide-ranging declassification...