Hungary's border wall shows that Trump's wall will work

Article subtitle: 
Is Trump Wrong About A Border Wall? One Stunning Chart Has The Answer
Article author: 
Jacob Bojesson
Article publisher: 
Daily Caller
Article date: 
29 March 2016
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Hungary was a popular pathway for refugees on their way to Germany during the fall. When the daily illegal border crossings were at 7,000 per day, Prime Minister Viktor Orban decided to erect a fence along the border to Serbia and Croatia.

When the fence went up Oct. 17, the influx went down to 870 from 6,353 only a day earlier. Illegal border crossing were steadily below 40 per day throughout the rest of the month. The number picked up slightly in February, after migrants destroyed part of the fence, but it remains in the low hundreds. 

Another successful example is Macedonia — the first step on the Balkan route, which separates Greece from the rest of the EU...

Germany’s rising anti-immigration party, Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD), proposed a fence along its border in March.
AfD leader Joerg Meuthen mentioned several examples where fences work, particularly in Spain, where it forces North African migrants to take a long detour to get to Europe...


CAIRCO Research
by Ed Rubenstein, October, 2004.
This article explains that a 1,951-mile full-length border fence would cost only:
    3.2 percent of the $104 billion spent on highway construction annually, or
    0.7 percent of the defense budget for FY2004 ($452 billion), or
    0.14 percent of the entire U.S. Federal budget for FY2004.