How Trump Derangement Syndrome Saved America

Article author: 
Steve McCann
Article publisher: 
American Thinker
Article date: 
16 November 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... the Democrats... are overlooking the foundational factor in Donald Trump’s triumphant return to the White House -- their immersion in Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

It was TDS that caused this cabal to foolishly throw caution to the wind and overtly and massively engage in voter fraud in 2020 in order to elect a senescent mannequin in Joe Biden... They then stupidly acquiesced to disastrous left-wing ideology...

The genesis of Trump Derangement Syndrome was unbridled elitism combined with tacit acceptance of Marxist ideology...

Trump’s ability to connect with the American people and create a new powerful political movement was an existential threat to the Ruling Class as well as the American Left and their decades-old blueprint for achieving political hegemony and transforming the nation into a one-party socialist state...

Thus, over the past eight years, this cabal self-exposed the following...

1. There is a two-tiered system of justice in the United States...

2. The Ruling Class is willing to spend the nation into bankruptcy and create uncontrolled inflation...

3. The treasonous alliance of the ruling elites and the radical Left is determined to dramatically transform the ethnic and racial makeup of the electorate by opening the borders and legalizing untold millions of illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders] ...

5. By exploiting the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic as a vehicle to defeat Trump, the denizens of the Ruling Class exposed themselves as petty and vindictive tyrants.

6. The Democrat party... flagrantly utilizes Nazi tactics to achieve their goals.

7. In 2020... there is no question among a majority of the voting citizenry that election fraud on a grand scale occurred...

8. The Ruling Class has acquiesced to their bedfellows, the radical Left, in their tactics for achieving cultural and societal hegemony. Their primary weapons are the accusation of "systemic racism," the advocacy of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) that mandates overt racial discrimination, the turning of a blind eye to virulent anti-Semitism, the promotion of transgenderism and other deviancies, defunding law enforcement, and censorship...


Never Trumpers in Trumpian Times

The Incurable TDS

Explaining Trump Derangement Syndrome - TDS

5 minute video: Why Do You Hate Conservatives?, PragerU.