How to Deprogram your friends from the anti-Trump Cult

Article author: 
Glenn Beck
Article date: 
28 September 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The Democratic Party is going down a dangerous path. It has convinced millions of Americans that Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to the country. It has punished people for daring to question the narrative. It has turned neighbor against neighbor and brother against brother. Sound familiar? We saw the same symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, what’s really going on here? Glenn runs through Steven Hassan’s 50 attributes of cults and compares them to the modern Democratic Party...

It's not about Donald Trump. It is truly about freedom...

And I think in some ways, COVID-19 broke us. I mean, this has been happening for a while. But COVID-19 broke. As people who were once reasonable, began to call for the banishment, of the unvaccinated from civil society...

Steven Hassan developed the BITE -- B-I-T-E model, by among other things, studying the brainwashing that happened in Maoist China. BITE, B-I-T-E, stands for behavior, information, thought, and emotional control.

BITE. And it identifies the patterns used by cults or Communists to manipulate their members. This is the same things that the Germans did. The Nazis did.

Now, there are 50 attributes to watch for...

Here's what a cult does to its people, to indoctrinate them: Dictate where, how, and with whom the member lives and associates or isolates from. Financial exploitation. Manipulation. Or dependence.

Restrict leisure, entertainment, and vacation time. Permission is required for major decisions. Does any of this sound like COVID-19?...

Discourage individualism, encourage groupthink, impose rigid rules and regulations, instill dependency and obedience. Deliberately withhold information. Distort information to make it more acceptable...

Critical thinking and questioning are not just discouraged. They're seen as signs of betrayal...

Shunning all those who leave.

Giving a fear of being rejected by friends and family, if you leave...


Are you brainwashed? How to help someone escape from cult control, by Glenn Beck, 24 September 2024.

Leaving The Democrat Party - Video