Harris Uses 'Atlantic' Hit Piece to Smear Trump as Fascist Hitler

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Article date: 
27 October 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

... Kamala Harris used a baseless hit piece published in the Atlantic to attack former President Donald Trump for allegedly invoking Adolf Hitler.

Harris’s public relations stunt is indicative of the establishment media’s alliance with the Harris campaign.

The story, written by Trump-hating fabulist Jeffrey Goldberg for The Atlantic (owned by Laurene Powell Jobs), based its claims on two anonymous sources — who appear to be rehashing a claim from a 2022 book by the New Yorker‘s Susan B. Glasser and the New York Times‘ Peter Baker.

The Trump campaign immediately denied Goldberg’s claim that the former president ever praised Hitler.

Critics argue it was written to change the media cycle in favor of Harris, who suffered negative headlines after Trump’s successful weekend of campaigning.

Despite the dubious nature of the story, Harris tried to harness the baseless attack to drive her campaign’s closing message, namely that Trump is “unhinged,” “unstable,” and therefore unfit to be president...

The Atlantic story has also been condemned for printing falsehoods about Mayra Guillen, the sister of deceased U.S. Army soldier Vanessa Guillen, who said the hit piece falsely claimed that Trump offered to help pay for Guillen’s funeral but allegedly “became angry” over the cost and blurted out an expletive...


President Harris claimed Trump would use the military against Americans, but two weeks ago, the Biden-Harris administration issued a directive allowing the U.S. military to use legal force against citizens on American soil, potentially authorizing lethal force against political protesters who oppose White House policies:



Literally Hitler? A Historian Examines Democrat Accusations Against Trump and the GOP, by James S. Corum, American Thinker, 24 October 2024:

As an observant reader will note, from censorship to lawfare it’s the Democrat Party today -- not Republicans -- that has embraced the exact same methods as the Nazis to seize power. But there is so much more. The Democrat use of DEI as a mandatory race ideology is similar to Nazi racial ideology -- just change whites for Jews in DEI training and you get a good idea of what Nazi racial ideology was like. The current attacks on academic freedom in universities in America also give you a good idea of Nazi methods of 1933. 

Auschwitz Survivor Denounces Kamala for Claiming Trump Fascist Like Hitler, Breitbart, 25 October 2024.

Oh, and by the way, Kamala Harris is best buddies with the owner of The Atlantic, Laurene Powell Jobs, New Neo, 26 October 2024.

Sister of Deceased Soldier Shoots Down Atlantic Report Claiming Trump Offered, then Refused to Pay for Her Funeral, Breitbart, 22 October 2024.

Ex-National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg, Senior Advisor Mercedes Schlapp, and Former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Expose John Kelly’s Lies — Even Trump-Hating Mark Esper Admits He’s Never Heard Trump Praise Hitler, Gateway Pundit, 24 October 2024.

‘The Atlantic’ Gets Desperate: Trump Like ‘Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini’, Breitbart, 18 October 2024.

The Atlantic Hit Piece On Trump Is A Psy-Op To Justify Post-Election Violence If Harris Loses, The Federalist, 24 October 2024.

Jeffrey Goldberg tries to engineer an “October surprise” in The Atlantic, New Neo, 23 October 2024.


Trump answers the charge of whether he’d use the military to move against his opponents, New Neo, 19 October 2024.

Washington Post Snubs Kamala Harris with Non-Endorsement, Breitbart, 26 October 2024.

The Top 20 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris


Worst Hitler impersonator ever


Patriotism is not fascism



Harris - very bad, would not recommend