Green Grifters

Article publisher: 
City Journal
Article date: 
8 November 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... You don’t have to be a “climate denier” to see that climate-change politics have become the largest global grift in history, one that grows in proportion with each new conference...

The grift also includes the green energy enterprises that survive only thanks to government subsidies and mandates that no one meets. When it comes to electric vehicle use, those mandates would take down the power grid if they were met... Joe Biden’s hilariously named Inflation Reduction Act transfers close to $400 billion of appropriated taxpayer wages into subsidies for wind and solar development. The alleged purity of those alternative energy sources is based on keeping their environmental costs off stage...

On Monday, the [New York] Times added to its long list of untruths regarding anything Trump-related. “World leaders gathering in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on Monday for a global climate summit face a bleak reality: The United States, the country responsible for pumping the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, is expected to soon drop out of the fight against climate change,” the paper wrote on its front page.

The U.S. is not the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases - China is, and India is coming up fast behind. It is the self-punishing futility of restricting American manufacturing and development while America’s competitors do whatever it takes to seize the economic advantage that drove Trump to pull out of the Paris climate accord the first time around. The Times worries that China could assume “leadership of international efforts to address climate change” if the U.S. withdraws again. If China does assume such leadership, it will not be at the cost of its own manufacturing base and standard of living.

If these climate gatherings focused on reviving nuclear energy—the solution to a warming planet—one could take them seriously. But nuclear remains an afterthought at best in the romantic pursuit of “renewable” sources of power, whose harnessing requires mineral extraction, energy-consumptive manufacturing, and unsightly and sometimes lethal disruptions of natural ecosystems...


Biden and Harris Raided Medicare to Fund Green New Deal: Premiums Are Now Set to Spike, by Jack Davis, The Western Journal / Gateway Pundit, 16 November 2024.

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