The French Brought the Camp of the Saints to France

Article author: 
Paul Craig Roberts
Article publisher: 
Lew Rockwell
Article date: 
14 March 2025
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

France is dying. It is a piecemeal death. One business district at a time. One neighborhood at a time. A restaurant, a business, a theater, a hotel here and there. Each death so sad but survivable. But as the piecemeal deaths mount, they become an aggregate, and now France is dying...

Jean Raspail warned the French in clear language in 1973 that the open borders acceptance of immigrant-invaders meant the death of France.

Enoch Powell warned the British. It proved to be impossible to warn insouciant moronic populations imbued with racist guilt from decades of propagandistic indoctrination. Enoch Powell was denounced and Jean Raspail ignored...

The same destruction of nation is happening all over Europe, especially in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the UK, countries in which the white ethnic female population has no protection against gang rape by immigrant invaders...

This is Europe today. A cultural dead zone or a rising new culture based on African and Muslim mores.

All of my European and English friends tell me: “Don’t come back. It will break your heart. It is not like you remember it.”

But still the tourists go. They are shown around the still safe areas and kept from seeing the encroaching barbarity...


The Camp of the Saints After 50 Years

Book: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, by Douglas Murray, 2018.

The Camp of the Saints, by Jean Raspail, The Social Contract, Volume 4, Number 2 (Winter 1993-1994).