Federal Judges Block President Trump’s Effort to Exclude Illegal Aliens From Census Count For the Purpose of Congressional Representation
A panel of three federal judges on Thursday blocked President Trump’s latest effort to exclude illegal aliens from the census count.
President Trump in July signed an executive order banning illegal aliens from 2020 Census count for the purpose of Congressional representation.
Crooked New York Attorney General Letitia James lead a coalition of states, cities and counties and sued to challenge Trump’s executive memorandum.
The unanimous three-judge panel for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York said in its 86- page opinion that Trump’s memorandum violates the executive branch’s “constitutional responsibility to count the whole number of persons in each State and to apportion members of the House of Representatives among the States according to their respective numbers.”...
The census is taken every 10 years and is used to allot seats to the US House of Representatives in addition to distributing almost $1 trillion in federal funds.
This is why the Democrat-media apparatus is fighting to include illegal aliens in the census count.