Eliminating Fluoride in Drinking Water: The Real Issue

Article author: 
Laurence M. Vance
Article publisher: 
Lew Rockwell
Article date: 
7 January 2025
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

It was in 1945 that public water systems began adding fluoride to drinking water because it supposedly prevented cavities. By 1980, half of the American population was consuming fluoridated water.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—Donald Trump’s pick to head the Department of Health and Human Services—wants to change that...

But according to RFK: “Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease.” He maintains that the Trump administration will advise all U.S​. water systems to remove fluoride from drinking water...

A federal judge in September ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency to take additional measures to regulate fluoride in drinking water because of a possible risk that higher levels of the mineral could affect children’s intellectual development.

Fluoride... is a medication, a medication that the government requires everyone to take because bureaucrats believe it will benefit a particular segment of the population.

And as the late economist Murray Rothbard wrote back in 1992:

Compulsory mass medication is medically evil, as well as socialistic. It is starkly clear that one key to any medication is control of the dose: Different people, at different stages of risk, need individual dosages tailored to their needs. And yet with water compulsorily fluoridated, the dose applies to everyone, and is necessarily proportionate to the amount of water one drinks.

It is not the job of government—at any level—to medicate anyone for any reason or to recommend, encourage, or force any supplier of public drinking water to do so. Period.