Dr. Ben Carson: The Left's Cringing Worship of Kamala Harris - Video

Article author: 
Tucker Carlson
Article date: 
11 September 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

The media has launched a full-press propaganda campaign to try to make Kamala Harris likable. Will it work? Dr. Ben Carson joins Tucker to discuss.

Dr. Ben Carson [00:00:16] I think she [Kamala Harris] believes in government, like most Marxists. Yes, I think she is a Marxist.

Tucker [00:00:42] Do you think that she can win?

Dr. Ben Carson [00:00:45] Absolutely. She can win this. This is going to be a great test. Of the power of the media. To take someone, who formerly was universally disliked. And transform them into a godlike figure, and they will use everything that they have to try to do that. The question is, are the American people smart enough to see through it? And I actually think the American people are smarter than anybody gives them credit for. And I don't think that they are going to be willing to sacrifice what we have in this country...

Tucker [00:01:51] ... Were you surprised how quickly the media pivoted from basically forcing Joe Biden out of his job to adoring and worshiping Kamala Harris?

Dr. Ben Carson [00:02:11] No, that didn't surprise me at, because I've been watching the media, for a number of years. And I see how they they're like a flock of birds. Have you ever noticed that a large flock of birds and they all turn at the same time? They all go, and you say, how in the world are they doing that? They almost have this cohesive communication and, they work together...

Tucker [00:03:10] Do you think that there's coordination or. It's a conspiracy of shared instinct? They're all they all have the same worldview...

Dr. Ben Carson [00:03:19]Both. I think both of those things are going on, but there's no question that they have lost their original intent for the media. The press is the only business that's protected by the Constitution. And there was a reason for that. It's because they were supposed to disseminate unbiased information to the people, so that the people could determine what their will was, because the country was supposed to be run on the will of the people...

Watch: Dr. Ben Carson: The Lef'’s Cringing Worship of Kamala Harris.


Dr. Ben Carson


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