The Demographics of Realignment

Article author: 
Edward Ring
Article publisher: 
American Greatness
Article date: 
14 August 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

It has become a truism among right-of-center voters in America that as the percentage of non-Hispanic whites in the population decreases, the percentage of registered Democrats increases... That might lead one to conclude that if Democrats wanted to turn America into a one-party nation, they would do everything in their power to increase the percentage of voters who are not “non-Hispanic whites.”...

Generally speaking, the higher the percentage of whites in any US state, the higher the percentage of GOP voters, and the lower that percentage of whites, the lower the percentage of GOP voters...

Democrats are part of a uniparty that used to include a majority of Republican politicians. Up until 2016, most Americans accepted what was always a false illusion of a competitive two-party system...

But beginning in 2016, the illusion of competition between the traditional parties has been shattered, and over the past eight years, the Republican party has systematically purged its RINOs. As a result, for the first time in modern history, Americans have a choice this November. It is a choice that has growing support from non-whites...

This time, non-white voters, along with their non-Hispanic white counterparts, will have an opportunity to decide between two visions of the future. If they vote Republican, they are supporting merit-based, controlled immigration. They are supporting a crackdown on environmentalist extremism, along with an all-of-the-above energy strategy that will lower the cost of living. They are supporting law and order, including cracking down on fentanyl dealers and declaring war on drug cartels. They are supporting deregulation to enable businesses large and small to flourish, creating millions of jobs. And they are supporting peace in the world.

Or they can support a pair of race and gender-baiting career demagogues, who will do none of the above...