The DEI Hire Kamala Harris - Video

Article publisher: 
Gateway Pundit
Article date: 
2 August 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Kamala Harris would have NEVER become the vice president based purely on her merits. Joe Biden himself admitted that she was a DEI hire...


Flashback: Biden Brags That Kamala Harris is the ‘Pinnacle’ of DEI Policies, The Gateway Pundit, 1 August 2024:

[Video] In a speech, Biden said, "The values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally - and this is not kidding - the core strengths of America ... And it starts at the top with the Vice President."

The Fallacies of Kamala Harris, by Steve Gruber, American Greatness, 2 August 2024:

To [Kamela] Harris and [Pete] Buttigieg, normality is abnormal; masculinity is sexist; pride - of country - is strange; and Americanism is just plain weird. 

To the Democrat Party, which is a hate group with an ass for a mascot, we are deplorable... We also know America is great. Or, rather, we know we can and will make America great again. We know where we stand and what we stand for, in contrast to Harris and Buttigieg. We know Harris is unqualified to be president, that she sounds like a know-nothing, while Buttigieg sounds like he believes he knows everything... If Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg are too dumb to realize that divisiveness is a losing strategy, that subtraction is not how politicians win elections, we have no duty to stop them...

The Looming Kamala Calamity - The putative Democratic candidate for POTUS will be disastrous if elected, by Larry Sand, American Greatness, 2 August 2024: "A vote for Harris will accelerate America’s descent into an authoritarian, woke, and socialist hellhole. While Trump is far from perfect, he is a much better choice to lead the country."

Kamala Harris rages at press conference for illegal aliens saying people shouldn't say "Merry Christmas" until they get amnesty.

Kamala flies into a rage and demands Americans stop saying ‘Merry Christmas’ until illegals get amnesty:

But Kamala, she’s a whole different beast. Kamala epitomizes a typical DEI employee: painfully aware of her own inability to do the job, she covers that by whipping people up into a frenzy with simplistic and foolish arguments, like her stance on not saying ‘Merry Christmas.” It’s just silly nonsense.

Kamala doesn’t have an ounce of “America First” in her DNA - she’s a radical, unhinged globalist. But it’s even worse to think that she’s up in arms for illegals yet has said nothing for the countless Angel Families who’ve lost loved ones to violent crimes committed by these illegals. Where is Kamala’s passion for them? It’s completely absent because Kamala is a tried and true “finger in the air” politician who only speaks to rack up progressive points...



Prop her up boys