Dark Questions On The Attempted Assassination Of President Donald Trump

Article date: 
20 July 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

1. The Dark Questions

The Dark Questions We Don't Want To Ask, But Have To Ask, About The Secret Service, Revolver, 14 July 2024:

Yesterday's assassination attempt on President Trump has stunned the world...

To get a sense of how bad the screw up was (assuming it was indeed a screw up and not something more sinister) it is helpful to understand some facts. One might at first imagine that in order for a gunman to get within shooting distance of President Trump, he must have employed sophisticated concealment methods of the sort usually reserved for spy films. Except this wasn't the case at all. The shooter was perched on top of a building 150 yards away from where Trump was speaking. Law enforcement experts familiar with security protocols are simply baffled that one of the few rooftops near Trump wasn't secured, much less how a man could get up there with a rifle and have time to take a shot...

It is simply unfathomable how the secret service sniper didn't see Trump's would be assassin - and again, that there wouldn't have been a Secret Service agent posted where the would be assassin was...

How was the gunman able to get off eight shots before finally being taken out?...

Most disturbing of all, there are direct accounts of rally goers who claim to have seen the gunman on the roof and alerted authorities, only to have their warnings fall on deaf ears...

It is also quite relevant to note that the Secret Service as of 2011 belongs to the Department of Homeland Security, which happens to be the tip of the spear when it comes to the political weaponization of the national security establishment...

Eyewitness describes to BBC News reporter seeing man with rifle on roof of building firing shots at President Trump rally in Pennsylvania before being shot by Secret Service - video.

'Catastrophic Failure': Secret Service Under Scrutiny After Trump Assassination Attempt, Breitbart, 14 July 2024:

... Multiple witnesses also claimed they tried to flag the shooter to the Secret Service and police.

The shooter was so close and visible that even some rally-goers spotted the shooter and took video as he was attempting to assassinate Trump...

Another video appeared to showed a "counter sniper team" with eyes on the shooter before he fired.

Political commentator and former New York Police Department officer posted on X, “This looks really bad. This looks like the counter sniper team had eyes on the shooter, let him fire first, then returned fire.”

Even the FBI is questioning how the Secret Service allowed the shooter to fire off several rounds, according to a senior FBI official during a press conference after the assassination attempt...

CBS News Report reveals what Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has been focused on: diversity hires - video, 14 July 2024.

Secret Service Director Who Previously Worked at Pepsi Faces Calls to Resign After Attempted Assassination of Trump, Breitbart, 14 July 2024:

"So before being put in charge of protecting the PRESIDENT, she was guarding bags of Cheetos," Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk wrote in a post:

"I was the Sniper Employment Officer for my battalion and led hundreds of combat missions," Blake Hall wrote in a post. "There were major security lapses in the security plan that allowed a shooter to engage President Trump from - 130 meters - an easy shot":

"In a nation with the finest military, special forces, and security services the world has ever know, Biden appoints a female DEI hire from PepsiCo as the director of our Secret Service. Not a former Army Ranger, not a Navy SEAL, not even a longtime SS agent with decades of experience... a woman who did corporate security for PepsiCo," New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino (R) wrote in a post.

Paladino added, "Purely appointments of wildly unqualified individuals like this have grave consequences for our nation, and today's assassination attempt proves it. Get these people OUT of government":

Veteran who holds world record for longest confirmed sniper kill weighs in on Trump assassination attempt, Daily Mail, 14 July 2024: "'I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government".


Trump assassination attempt Secret Service security bubble 13 July 2024


The question isn't just why that roof 150 yards away from Trump was unguarded. The real question is how the assassin knew that it was unguarded


The Secret Service could have taken the would-be assassin out before he fired a single shot, by Charles Wills, Whatfinger, 16 July 2024:

... Greg Smith and others pointed the shooter out to Secret Service agents and police three to four minutes before any shots were fired. And as Smith pointed out, "Secret Service agents didn't pull President Trump off the stage or rush to his aid until after the president was hit and went down." That fact alone should trouble every American.

What's even more troubling is the fact that witnesses reported that a local police officer climbed a ladder to the top of the building and retreated back down the ladder without firing shot. According to the Associated Press, "one local officer climbed to the roof and confronted Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder as Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump who was speaking on stage."...

Moreover, Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service Agent, credited President Trump with saving his own life by ducking down. Bongino called the incident a "catastrophic failure by the Secret Service."...

Furthermore, many patriotic Americans are wondering just how the sniper got past the secret service and state and local police carrying a rifle. And, we also want to know who brought the ladder that the shooter used to get on the roof of a nearby building; a building that had supposedly been sealed off by the Secret Service and local police...

In addition, Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla. said in an interview on Fox News, "I have very reliable sources telling me there have been repeated requests for stronger secret service protection for President Trump, denied by Secretary Mayorkas."...

Why didn't the Secret Service have agents on top of the building that the gunman chose as his snipers perch? ...

The reason President Trump and his supporters were shot is because the perimeter was not secure. And that begs the question: Is the Secret Service that incompetent or was it a setup? Either way, the leaders of the Secret Service should all be fired for incompetence, pending proof of conspiracy or deliberate dereliction of duty... If the leaders of the secret Service aren't fired, then I have no choice but to conclude that it was a setup by the Biden regime...

Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt, The Federalist, 16 July 2024:

... With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used...

At some point, you just have to say enough with the lies. We saw what they did with the Russia hoax. We saw the Kavanaugh hoax. We saw the Covid origin hoax. We saw the Ukraine hoax, the stolen election, the J6 op, and then the armed Mar-a-Lago raid and the myriad illegal cases against Trump.

They called him Hitler. They said he was an existential threat. They said he would destroy democracy. They said he was the most dangerous person on Earth. Then they denied him security. They kept the rooftop open. They watched the shooter and did nothing. They kept Trump on that stage. And they didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot in the head.

And we’re all supposed to believe it was just an innocent oopsie?

Lauren Boebert, 17 July 2024: "At the direction of Mayorkas, the Secret Service has now gone back on its promise to brief the House Oversight Committee on the attempted assassination of President Trump... What do they have to hide?"

Exclusive on Trump Assassination: "I've Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trump", gateway Pundit, 16 July 2024: "A source close with law enforcement in the area told the Gateway Pundit today that local Sheriff Michael Slupe was instructed to ‘stand down' and not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site in advance of the President’s appearance in Butler..."

Trump Security Scandal Follows Yearslong String Of Secret Service Failures, The Federalist, 18 July 2024.

Video: Secret Service and state police scrambling as there was no apparent contingency plan to get the reactionary squad through the fence. Total failure! 16 July 2024.

Secret Service Is Clear and Present Threat to Democracy, Breitbart, 18 July 2024.

My Questions Regarding the Trump Shooting, by Chuck Baldwin, 19 July 2024:

... The one thing I've heard very few people discuss is how four years of the Biden administration's moronic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies have affected agencies within the federal government...

... it seems to me that these people were hired from a DEI-preferred roster the week before, given 40 hours of introductory training and sent out to guard the Republican nominee for president.

... But the one thing I believe we can all take away from the Trump shooting is the degree to which the woke agenda has wreaked havoc with the most basic functions of the American government - and American society.

If America's Secret Service is THAT inept at protecting a presidential nominee, do we really think that our woke-obsessed Pentagon and DOD are going to do any better in a war with Russia?...


Sen. Hawley Whistleblower: HSI, Not SS, Put in Charge of Butler, PA Security - Guess What HSI Was Doing on Jan. 6th, Revolver, 19 July 2024.

Questions for the Secret Service Director, by Mike McDaniel, American Thinker, 21 July 2024.

Secret Service Did Deny Trump's Requests for More Security, Falsely Claimed Otherwise, Information Liberation, 21 July 2024.

Secret Service Declined Drone Technology for Trump Rally, Breitbart, 26 July 2024.

Way Beyond Sketchy - Local Butler County SWAT Team Says Trump Secret Service Detail Did Not Communicate with Them Before Shooting, The Last Refuge, 29 July 2024.

Director Rowe Personally Crippled Trump's Secret Service Team, by David Strom, Hot Air, 2 August 2024.

Details Surface – USSS Counter Snipers Did Not Stop Assassin Crooks, Butler SWAT Did – Also, FBI Quickly and Quietly Released Body for Cremation, The Last Refuge, 16 August 2024.

Sen. Josh Hawley: Whistleblowers Claim Trump’s Security Detail Only Did Two-Hour Online Training Before Assassination Attempt, Breitbart, 4 September 2024.



Multiple Shooters

"The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK" - Watch as Dr. Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the damning audio evidence, Vigalent News, 19 July 2024:

In a thoroughly detailed 32-minute exposé, Dr. Chris Martenson has presented "rock solid audio proof that there were at least two shooters targeting Trump and the crowd."

Who was on that WATER TOWER? 10 Witnesses Come Forward, Whatfinger, 20 July 2024.

The Young Man Was 'The Patsy', by John Leo Keenan, Lew Rockwell, 20 July 2024.