Court Applies Environmental Law to Biden-Harris Border Invasion

Article subtitle: 
The Biden-Harris administration unlawfully failed to perform the required environmental impact analysis before admitting millions of illegal alien invaders
Article author: 
Phillip Linderman
Article publisher: 
American Conservative
Article date: 
10 October 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality estimates that each border crosser leaves approximately six to eight pounds of trash in the desert during his or her journey. [See photos.] If you do the rough math, the total amount of strewn garbage caused by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas greenlighting millions of illegal migrants, all trampling their way across the southern frontier, is stunning. 

... the Biden-Harris administration has done much more than simply benignly tolerate or mildly encourage this massive human movement. The president and his cabinet have not only loudly proclaimed that they “welcome” the arrival of these illegals, but made it clear that this unprecedented immigration was central to their foreign and domestic policy...

But groups like the Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society, indeed the entire establishment environmental community, have all remained silent and done nothing to respond to the Biden-Harris reckless immigration policy. Resisting this kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants federal policy that enables destructive human activity hostile to the environment is, in theory, their raison d'être...

Moreover, Biden’s “immigration program” is not only enticing waves of humanity to trample through an unprepared and vulnerable region, but it is also growing the country’s population, practically overnight, by millions of new people. For years, groups like the Sierra Club saw population growth—including by immigration—as fundamentally at odds with protecting the national environment. It is a fair question that conservatives, too, should ask: How many millions do we want living in our country?...

The woke executive director of the Sierra Club explains that his group now “fights for environmental and social justice.”...

Today, Axelrod is leading the CIS federal court lawsuit that asserted that the Biden administration’s open-border policies have unlawfully ignored the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Under NEPA, any federal agency considering a “major federal action” must comprehensively evaluate its “environmental effects.” Axelrod’s lawsuit argued, correctly, that DHS did not do any such evaluation...

In Axelrod’s lawsuit, known as Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform v. Department of Homeland Security, a federal district court judge ruled on September 30 that DHS has indeed violated NEPA by failing to conduct the statutorily required environmental impact analysis before opening the border. For the first time, a court has applied NEPA in a way that can help to slow Washington’s massive and extreme migration policies...


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Desert Invasion

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